friday i worked and then after work went home and got pizza with andy and amanda came over and ate some.we watched Parks And Recreations and then greg came over and played around with my Mako and fell in love with it. then they left for the housewarming party and PatO/Nick/Pete Pies house. a little later i went to laurens and we rode up to the party together. the party was nuts. there were TONS of people there, it was actually over crowded. but all in all it was a very crazy party, i passed out two times. me and lauren left around 2 and went to south street to get pizza but bailed on that and went to wawa and stole sandwhichs and went to her house and went to bed.
saturday i woke up pretty hungover and went to work at 2. had a very boring lame day at work, and to my dislike at the end of my shift my boss came in and told me she had to let me go, which sucked. after that i met lauren at royal tavern and got some dinner. then we went to her house and attempted to watched episdoe of East Bound and Down for like the tenth time. i believe we did finish it this night.
saturday i woke up pretty hungover and went to work at 2. had a very boring lame day at work, and to my dislike at the end of my shift my boss came in and told me she had to let me go, which sucked. after that i met lauren at royal tavern and got some dinner. then we went to her house and attempted to watched episdoe of East Bound and Down for like the tenth time. i believe we did finish it this night.
sunday i woke up at laurens and went home pretty soon after that. hung out during the ruinings practice and did some laundry and cleaned up a bit. then went to new harmony for sunday buffet with dan mary and lauren. then we came back and drank whiskey and basically tortured marys cat.
monday i had off from work and i believe i just stayed in for pretty much the entire day? damn i don't remember. i know i wathced a bunch of Parks and Recreations, and I know nick came home pretty late and we played pokemon stadium. and i stayed up very late downloading music and eventually watched Planet of The Apes and passed out.
tuesday i had off from work AGAIN. i believe i just staying in for the most part. i cleaned my room and finally unpacked that last box next to my bed and organized my records and washed my sheets and made my bed. i even finally made that package and sent it to my sister and went to the bank just to check up on my money and stuff. then got cheese hoagies and jenni came over and we hung out, andy was involved here and there. me and jenni played some pokemon stadium and watched Barton Fink (one of my favorite films, and my favorite Coen Brothers film). she eventually left and went home and I just went to bed.
so thursday i woke up very hung over and confused, and also mad cause i had to putt all of my clothes in the dryer before i went out. eventually i got up and out and went to marc critellis house and hung out for a bit there then we went and got bagels and went to the resevoir. then i dropped him off at home and met my mom at her job and went and got pizza with her. after that i visited dave fontaine at his job and caught up with him and then went back to my moms house and waited for alex to come pick me up and drive me back to philly. i got home at like 5 and then just felt in a funk for the rest of the day. didn't go to a pretty sweet show a block away from my house even. just made some dinner and stayed in. lauren came over eventually and we ordered a pizza and watched saturday night live, and then she had to leave to go to a midnight showing of harry potter. so i stayed in and finished season two of Parks and Recreations, man do i hope they make a second season of that show.
yesterday i woke up pretty late after being sick all night. me and lauren went to black and brew for reakfast. then we went to my house and hung out with steve hit mike for a bit then eventually went up to my room and watched
Planet Terror, and suprisingly she stayed awake for the entire thing and enjoyed it. after that we watched some Saturday Night Live downstairs and then Hoarders. then suprisingly to my I found out there was no room for me to come to trenton for the last Ruining show. I was pretty bummed about that, but whatever. i made some dinner for myself and watched an episode of 30 Rock and then went over to zacks house for the show. Watertowers were pretty good. Greek Favourites were tuned down so they sounded metaly. Choke Up were pretty heavy and people were enjoying them. honestly though the only band i watcheded entirely was Captain Were Sinking, even though they played the only who songs i know first, but they did close with Linoleum cover. also, people were losing there SHIT during capt, it was nuts. after the bands i hung out for a few more hours and partied. around1 i went home and watched more 30 Rock waiting for lauren to get out of work and come over.
The Cardinal Sin - Eye Opener
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