tuesday i had truck at cvs. it wasn't to bad. i think i was there for about 12 hours that day. after work i went over to laurens and hung out there. don't really remember details actually. oh well.
wenesday i didnt have truck for the first time in like FOREVER.i know i spent the morning hanging out with lauren for a bit then went home and hung out at home for most of the day. alter that night i went to ikea to meet this lady who made earrings for lauren that i was giving to her for christmas. then i went back home and got pretty drunk and hung out with blackbeard, yosco, o, redbeard, murphy, scotty and a couple other people. lauren came over eventually and hung out too.
thursday i woke up and had a interview at 2. hung out at my house before that. then drove up to it. it ended up being a scam. after it i went home and packed my shit up. alex came over and picked me up and drove me home. got home around 5 thirty. then took a shower and ate dinner with my family for the first time in a long time. after that i went out and bought some booze and then went to dunkin donutes with some people and then me and jenni went to cayces house and hung out there for a hot minute then i went home and went to bed.
friday i woke up and was blown off by jenni so i waited around for marc and we went to borders and i got a book for my dad and we ran into tom cladek and talked to him for awhile then marc took me home. i showered and drove to laurens house for christmas eve dinner there. alot of her family was there and it wa a lot of fun. ate very well. hung out there pretty late, i think until like 1 and then drove home. i stayed up pretty late that night and finished watching Rocky 2 finally. it was really great. i get so into it when i watch those movies.
saturday was christmas. i was the lastest i woke up on christmas ever. went downstairs and opened presents with my family. i got seven seasons of the simpsons on dvd, some clothes and $250, so ya know, a good holiday. after that i watched Horton Hears A Who with my dad. then i went and picked up lauren at her house and we went to my sisters house in brick. spent most of christmas day there playing with my nieces and nephews. after we were tired of that we went back to laurens house, bridget came with us and then took my moms car back home and me and lauren drove back to philly. when we got back we exchanged gifts at her house. she got me Aziz Ansari tickets at carnegie hall and she blew up a poster i made for a show at terrordome and framed it, so pretty much the best gifts ever. after that we started watching ETTGS but we got tired and started falling asleep in the middle and went to bed.
so sunday i woke up at laurens and walked home pretty early. it was snowing pretty bad all day long. i was bored for most of the day. i watched Rocky 3 and ordered pizza and sat around for most of the day. i shovled the sidewalk at one point. eventually danillie and tony came over and hung out. then zack jp kiko and andy came over, and arik a little after that. we all sat around and watched Party Down and ate pizza, a lot more pizza was ordered that night, and left at my house, which i am sitll eating. eventually lauren came over and hung. thene veryone started to leave around 1 and me and lauren went to bed,
today i woke up and went to some mexican place with lauren and ape up and got burritos. it was cool hanging out with them again. after that me and lauren walked back to her house, where i found out the HFTH show was canceled so it left me with nothing to do tonight. so i walked home, hungout with all my roommates for a bit and then drove lauren to work and here i am.
The Sainte Catherines - Headliners Don't Load (But They Kill Cops)
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