i don't remember this thursday. oh well.
friday i worked at cvs. after work i got home and showered and got dressed and went to pennington NJ with Luther and greg for a show. the show, honestly, was not that good. but it was better then doing nothing i guess. ended up getting very drunk and inventing a weird accent with greg (that took me a day or two to shake). after the show i realized i left my phone at the house and basically got back to philly, went to laurens, slept a few hours then woke up very early to meet the kid who lived there and get it back, then drove straight back to philly and went back to bed. it was so early that lauren didnt even know i had left really. but doing that sorta put the rest of my day in a funk. i went home at some point and just sorta napped and sat around for most of the day. saturday night i know i went over to laurens and hung out there for a bit with her and danielle as they watched some harry potter movie. eventually danielle left and then mary and dan came home and we all watched The Fantastic Mr Fox, which was so good that i watched it a second time immediately after. then went to bed at laurens house.
sunday i went home in the morning. downbound city was recording in my basement again. i just sat around and ate and watched king of the hill for most of the day. then eventually got my shit together and went over to laurens and we went to the lanes for the Ergs!/Hunchback reunion show. it was pretty good. definitely not as good as the break up shows. less energetic and the sets were the same for the day and night show, even though i didnt go to the day show. the only really good parts about these shows was that i knew so many more people there then at the last shows, and that lauren was there with me. i also lost my shoe the third song in and then cut my foot. but other then that it was fun. got free beer thanks to mikey, and the ergs covered the clash and closed with 'pool pass'. after the show i drove us home and lauren slept for some of the ride home.
monday i had off from work again. it was a very unproductive day. woke up at laurens and rode home pretty early. and i'm pretty sure i never really left my couch all day. that night i went out and just rode around by myself and got food and then went home and watched Spies Like Us by myself and then went to bed.
tuesday i had off from work. i think i just sat around for most of the day and watched tv and movies. i honestly don't remember what i did for the most part this day. i probably just watched king of the hill and 30 rock. i think i also watched a movie.
wenesday i had truck. got to work at 6thirty. the truck itself didn't take long. but after it was done i stuck around to milk as many hours as i could out of it. i ended up staying 12 hours and not taking a break. after work i went home and fell asleep for a bit. then eventually went over to laurens and slept there.
thursday i rode home and got a call to come into work to close but i couldn't because of the show i booked that night. so i went in from 3 to 6. it was an east shift to say the least. after work i rode home, ate some food and then went over to the show. the show was good. good turnout, everyone who played was good. connor opened it, did a saves the day cover. then trunks and tales played and did a promise ring cover. then zack schwartz played and did a tigers jaw cover and a elliot smith cover. then redbeard played and basically only did highlites songs. then pj played and was really great. then steveo finished it off, did a verve pipe cover. lots of covers that night. after the show was pretty much wrapped up i got my shit and left. went home and finished watching Mallrats with dan and lauren. then went to bed.
friday morning i watched the Runaways. it was ok. during that i was called into work. got to work at 3 and closed, so i was there until midnight. it was a pretty boring night, and i got pretty bummed out about missing out on everything going on that night. after work i went home and tried watching a movie but fell asleep. woke up later and then rode over to laurens and slept there.
today we woke up feeling not so great and just kinda layed around and watched tv until i came home. now here i am watching tv and doing this and feeling sick.
Die Antwoord - Evil Boy
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