last saturday after work i rode straight to dads haus for the show i booked there. got there and a bunch of friends were there which was pretty cool. um, connor played first, thanked me for setting up the show way to many times. after him was seasons and parks, didn't watch to much of them, after them was communipaw, didn't watch to much of them either, they were all pretty big dick heads to me and in general. definitely not booking shows for strangers anymore. after then lavis blake played and were pretty good. wasn't to into being at a show in general, was still hungover from friday. after lb the eeries played and were suprisingly very good. i showed everyone else in lb my tattoo and they all were into it. after the show i just went home and had a pretty low key night. lauren came by later on and slept over.
sunday i woke up and went to the coffee shop and me and my boss loaded up her car with a ton of things and went to an art show in fishtown. we thought it was an adult art show, turned out to be a arts and craft show for children. we didn't fit in at all, and made almost no money. but at least there was free beer. after that we drove home and i rode over to laurens. we went to best buy and then got pizza hut for dinner and watched point break. after that i went over to dads haus again to hang out wiht miller and madden. got there right in time to see fleshtemple, who were fucking insane. didn't watch street pizza, just hung out upstairs during there set. watched don't wake up, who were suprisingly good, and then rode back to laurens, where i told her i was not going to sleep over, but passed out pretty quickly.
monday i worked at cvs, after work i showered and ate dinner and watched some of the state, then went over to the litterbox for a show i booked. tv dinner played first, didn't watch them, then break the habit from u.k. played, didn't watch them either, then spraynard played and were awesome, covered 2000 light years away by green day. everyone everywhere finished up the night and were also great. it was a good turnout, menzo dudes came, danielle, brian and kyle, pretty good group of friends came out. afterwards i went over to the menzos with kyle and hung out there until pretty late with tom greg joe collin danielle greg k mike k johnhenry and tony. eventually left and went to laurens house and slept there.
tuesday i had off from work for the first time in a very long time. i took laurens car to flemington and picked up a bunch of things i needed, like winter clothes, a nightstand (which i didn't technically get really), n64 games, and some other junk. saw my dad for a little bit and stopped by my moms job and ate lunch with her, and was back in philly pretty early. got home and watched the menzos record drums for there acoustic record. played some videos games, made dinner and picked lauren up from school. had an altercation between us and the neighbors that day, cops were involved, it all turned out very well. lauren came over kinda later that night and slept over.
wenesday i worked truck at cvs. after work i went home and took a nap, hung out with the menzos again while they recorded, and did a bunch of nothing really. lauren came over later on and i made her dinner and we watched
Zack and Miri Make A Porno. then we went upstairs and watched some East Bound and Down, tried 3 times now and still havent finished the first episode, only because we keep falling asleep, the show rules.
thursday i had off again. i did some shit around the house in the morning after lauren left. when andy got up we went to old navy and bought pizza costumes and then got cheese hoagies and hung out and watched News Radio and Greg The Bunny. then we began watching
A Serious Man, a Coen brothers film i never saw, andy left before it was over for class, and i finished it without him. wasn't so great. afterwards i took a nap and then went over to crystals and hung out with hollis and bernie for a little bit, then came home and was tricked pretty hard by nick into thinking everyone was bailing on me, but then found out andy bought everyone 40s and we were gonna hang, so we drank and did nothing else, began watching
the Sixth Sense but andy and dan fell asleep and i decided to go over to laurens house for the night.

friday i worked again, and after work i went home and showered and made some dinner and bought a 24 pack of natty bo with andy and watched the new office. then i got ready for my show, and the first in a very long weekend of shows leading up to fest. rode over to dads haus with andy nick and lauren, stopped on the way cause we ran into pj bond. got there and only like half of great explainer was there and pacer. eventually everyone showed up.the drug war played first, i didn't really watch there set cause i was watching the door and making people pay. static radio nj played second, and i watched them and they were pretty great. played every song lauren knew, so that made me happy. after them the arteries from whales played and were very excellent, everyone liked them. pacer followed them and after that great explainer rounded out the night. i didn't watch much of the other bands but the show was all in all a pretty good success and everyone seemed to have a lot of fun. i then did an interview for chunksaah records, cause they're shooting a documentary about going to fest. after the show and after everything was wrapped up and done i went home, got more beer and got my pizza costume and went over to the halloween party at augustas. was very proud that me and andy both completely copied danielles halloween costume exactly, except i wasn't wearing a shirt under my pizza. had a lot of fun there. was very drunk. still not feeling all to swell almost a day later. but there were a lot of people there, and it was all in all a very good time. after the party me and lauren went to dunkin donuts (very bad idea) and then back to her house and went to bed. woke up feeling pretty crappy today, but we pulled through.
the rest of this weekend, including tonight until like monday is going to be nuts. i can not wait. i can not wait for fest. i'm pretty stoked on life right now.
Carpenter - Mean Things