monday i worked (i worked every single day this week) after work i went home and played Golden Eye with dan for awhile and drank whiskey and went to bed pretty early. watched the original Inglourios Bastards before bed, and lauren came over.
tuesday i worked, and after work i tried to have a somewhat productive day, dropped off my frames to get my new glasses rolling, got the second swamp thing and book 5 of sin city from barnes and noble, visited zack at urban, and did some food shopping. after that i made some dinner for myself and then watched In The Army Now with andy and lauren. after that went to laurens house for the night.
wenesday i worked and after work i began watching Parks and Recreations. then went out to dinner with brian at royal tavern. he told me he liked the tempeh club they have there. he also liked my lavis blake tattoo. after that i went home and showered and then greg k met me at my house and we went over to the menzos house and drank a bunch of beer and fourloko and scotch. had sorta a crazy night. i went to laurens house after that and slept there that night.
i can't even begin to discuss how great it was. but i haven't laughed so hard in a very long time. after the show me and lauren went to her house to drink some rum and cokes. bryce mary and dan were there and brian walked over and met us there. then he borrowed my bike, i rode dans old bike and we went to my house and then to the show at the dollhouse (there would be a flyer for it here, but it was just so bad i refuse to post it). missed Kids and Cop Problem. then didn't watch the next band. watched one win choice. heckled them the entire time to cover New Noise, they did and i basically just took the mic from the singer and crowd surfed the entire time and sang all of the words. it was pretty fucking amazing. i was very happy that brian was there for that cover. everyone lost there shit. i want to sing for a band so badly, and doing that only sealed it in my head for me. then glocca morra played, and everyone was very stoked and they played one song and the cops came. everyone left after that and i went home for a hot second and then went to the after party and zack/jp/tims new place. lots of people were at that, had a lot of fun, smashed my head into a lightbulb in the ceiling, didnt hurt but i bled. eventually passed out on the couch, had a weird experience with JP's girlfriend, threw up in the alley and went home with lauren. discovered i cut my hand badly too as i entered my house. don't know where that came from, oh well. went to bed.
today we woke up and rode to laurens house and she made me breakfast, brian brought my bike back and then went home. i then took a shower and went to work, and here i am. fest is coming up soon, gotta save more money. the next few weeks are going to be crazy.
Iron Chic - Cutesy Monster Man
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