saturday i worked for most of the day. the measure came by my job and i made them all free lunch. then they left for awhile. i worked a few more hours then went over to the show at dads haus (my last show for the fest seasons, and last show for awhile). got there first, then bands began showing up. i dont remember ALL of the night, but i do remember a lot of parts. i know the order was, paramedic (charlie solo (first and last time)), lavis blake, the measure [sa], glocca morra, kite party and the menzingers. i know charlie was pretty great solo, then lavis blake was really great. the measure were the last band i remember entirely, who were very awesome. new album rules very much. then i have zero real memory of glocca morra playing, other then jp blew out matts bass amp and he was sorta mad. then i have absolutely no memory of kite party at all, just the menzingers showing up and being really psyched that they were actually going to do it, and play a secret set at my show. then all i really remember is them playing a very packed show. i think it was like 5 songs, about. and all i really remember, only from the scab, is somehow i cut my forehead/eyebrow and bled everywhere. totally worth it. very good night. also, randomly, corey oneil, ben aneckstein and alex mctigue were all there, all very unexpectedly. after that show i was obviously way to drunk and rode my bike with a flat tire to laurens where i slept.

sunday i woke up late, went to oregon diner with lauren then we went to some random stores then went back to her house and napped until about 4, when i went home and watched the office with mary and scott why luther practiced. then met lauren at her house and rode to the fire for another awesome show. finally got to meet the guys in carpenter, who were all fucking awesome. everyone everywhere opened up the show, and they ruled, and they rule for getting me into the show for free. then carpenter played, and were awesome as well, high kicks included. then laura stevenson played, and i didn't watch her at all, i just sat at the bar with lauren arik and talked to pat o as he bar tended. then cheap girls played and i didn't watch them either. didnt drink much at the show, but after wards i rode home and ordered 5 pizzas and andy bought a bunch of beer and carpenter gave us a bunch of jargermeister and i drank that and rum and beer and ate pizza and we hung out all night long and had a great time.

the next day we all took showers and walked to cantina and got nachos and then those guys left and i took a nap and then drove up to the ox in laurens car to see another (my last pre fest show). holy mess opened it, i got there early and stood around forever and just hung out. holy mess were good, they were tight, nothing happened during there set, or anyones really, cause the ox is to fucking big and to far away. i hate that place. then night birds played and were great. such good dudes. mike hunchback gave me a free hunchback record, and joey erg 1.knew my name 2. hugged me 3. asked if I was going to the ergs! reunion show 4. complimented me on my new glasses (made the night worth it). then no friends played and me and rob went for a walk to get pizza. then dead to me played, were very tight, just weird with a new lineup. all in all a eh kinda night, was more just burned out then anything else. went home and did some things before going to manny browns to pick up lauren and go back to her house and go to bed.
tuesday i worked at cvs in the morning, got out and went home and napped cause i was begining to feel sorta sick and wanted so badly to not get sick before fest. eventually woke up, watched x files with andy, then went and got pizza and ate it at laurens. then we watched
Taking Wookstock, which was pretty good. probably my favorite ang lee film. didn't sleep well.
today i worked truck (the bane of my existence). after work i got home and began to prepare to leave tomorrow. watched some parks and recreations with andy and amanda, but all in all had a pretty low key day. the next 4 days are going to be absolutely nuts. i am stealing pat o's idea of timed updates through twitter to remember when i get home what i did.
Mayflower - I Never...
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