sunday i worked at the coffee shop again. after work my mom came into the city and she saw the house and then took me and lauren out to lunch at a nice itailian restaurant. after wards she went home and me and lauren watched the office all night long at my house with mary. eventually me and lauren went to her house and went to bed.
monday i worked at cvs and got out somewhat early. after work i made dinner and hung out with andy and nick and watched a lot more office. aound midnight i went to the menzingers house and got to see tom joe and greg, and hung out with danielle, dj, zack and leo. lauren met me there too. eveuntally left and went home with lauren.
tuesday i had off from work. woke up and got some stuff done, then went and got cheese hoagies with greg and hung out at his house with him and eric and collin, and eventually tony. went home later on and sat around the house and watched some more of the office. andy came home and hung out for a bit, then the menzingers were doing some stupid videocast thing, so me and andy tuned in, and as there were lots of other people trying to get in who had real actual questions for them, we keep getting in and were saying nothing important, then eventually we preteneded to still be there and got on our bikes and rode to there house, ya know what, just watch it The Menzingers on Yowie after that i went to Laurens and slept there.
worked thursday again, after work i met lauren at royal tavern for lunch, after that we went back to her house and took a nap. after that i went home and watched Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back and then some more office. Andy eventually came home and we went over to Gregs and drank some beers and watched some of the new its always sunny and then the 100 most shocking moments in rock and roll. pretty 'eventfull' night. rode home and went to bed.
friday i worked AGAIN, worked way to much this week. after i got out of work at 2 i went home and relaxed. didn't really do to much all in all. watched some more office and sat around. eventually went over to josh and megans house for joshs suprise birthday party. was a lot of fun, got real drunk, played with puppies, had an all around good time.

today so far i went for a walk with lauren, then went home and watched some office and 30 rock with andy and nick and then came to work at the coffee shop, lauren visited me at work and now i'm about to close. i think some heavy drinking is on board for tonight.
The Soviettes - Blue Stars
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