sunday i woke up and rode home in the rain after having a odd morning. have a verrrrrrrrry lazy sunday. sat aorud teh house with andy amanda lauren mary and dan mostly all day. watched a lot of the office and alot of it's always sunny, ordered pizzas and pretty much did nothing else. went to sleep pretty early.
tuesday i had another day off. i slept in, got breakfast by myself, watched the movie Falling Down, it was pretty good, not great. hung out with andy, made some phone calls, took a nap. then got up and went up to the pearl with adrian rob and phil and went to see Machete.
it was pretty god. not great. i could talk and complain and praise it all day long, but i won't. after that i went to ali and mollies, ate some pasta and went to the luxky 7 bar and got some beers. had a pretty late night, but eventually nade it home and went to bed.
wednesday i woke up real early and went to work. worked for about ten hours. came home took a shower and went back out to trader joes and got dinner at cantina. came home from that, hung out with greg and andy for a little bit then went to laurens and went to bed.
i hate boring updates.
The Extra Lens - Programmed Cell Death
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