thursday i worked in the day time, worked until like 6, then went home, got some stuff together and went to ali and mollies. we were on our way to a show and mollie recieved some bad news and we took her back. was sorta bummed after that, went to the show by myself. ran into a bunch of people including tony, patO, nick, cobra lung dudes, perry, alejandro, bd, and many more. got there in time to catch dry feet. women stunk. screaming females were pretty good. not as great as usual. and ted leo and the pharmacists were ok at best. but also, i was very very drunk during all of this and don't really remember much of the night in general. afther the show i went back to alis and got some stuff i left there, then rode home, also taking the time to puke on a taxi while riding my bike down 19th st.

friday was my day off from work. i layed around most of the day with nick. we got hoagies and watched the simpsons. andy and phily came over too and they jammed. around 2 or 3 a last minute decision was made to go to brooklyn for the rvivr show. i took a bus in with tony and danielle. it was really good to eat nyc pizza. made our way over to 538 johnson. got to hang with lauren measure david bilmas, jordyn o, and lots of other people. brian mollie and marcos met me there. didnt watch the first band. the measure were second and were really reat. fid is also the nicest guy in the world and gave me the two measure records im missing from my collection from his personal collection. little lungs played after that and were good. rvivr closed out the show and everyone kinda lost there shit. it was a lot of fun. after the show we peaced pretty quickly and went and got more pizza. then we started the long drive home, had to drop brian off in scotch plains, and marcos off in flemington. then mollie dropped me off in center city to get my bike. i walked into my house around 6 and had work at 9.
saturday was a long day. worked all day with no sleep, and right after work i basically went straight to sleep again. woke up at like 7ish. was kinda in a funk after that. hung out at home with andy nick and shannon. drank beers and watch
Grandmas Boy. dan came home soon into that. and then greg and danielle came over. i went to bed early but ended up having a terrible nights sleep.
i need to rest, i have a very long week ahead of me,
Be My Doppelganger - Peggy, Sue Me
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