monday, i worked, got out of work, went to mollies and went to the ox to see pissed jeans. went along with elliot, kyle, mollie and slimer. show was alright. kinda bummed it was 10 bucks and not to many people showed up. after the show i hung out up there and drank more rum then i should have and passed out.
went straight to work the next morning. another long boring day at work. got out, went home and hung out with andy for awhile, then went to lavis blake practice at elliots house. got my guitar back, which was pretty sweet. then went home and then over to laurens house.

wenesday i worked aaaaagain, got out kinda early, went straight home and slept all day. lauren brought pizza over and left. i watched
The Professional with dan after that and then basically went to bed. thursday i worked again, after work i had a much needed hang out with andy. eventually nick came come and phil came over. annnnnnnd eventually after that we went to 12 steps for the show. really weird that the new singer of let me run went to highschool with me. didnt see the mess's set, had a fight with lauren, things didnt end well. after wards i went home, hung out with andy nick and daniele, eventually tried to get pizza, ended up at a diner, i went to brians and slept there that night. friday i was just incredibly hung over, went home and got cheese hoagies with nick and andy, and just layed around the house all day with andy. eventually took a nap and woke up at like 8. went to jenni's house for a show, didn't watch any bands except lavis blake (who just seem to get better and better) it was great seeing so many friends. another night where i got way to drunk. definitely in the top 10 times. all i really remember is i crashed my bike into a parked car and threw up several times. not my highest moment. spent today pretty hung over again, and went straight to work at the coffee shop. thinking about having a low jey night tonight. we'll see.
P.S. Eliot - Bear Named Otis
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