monday i chilled at my house with dan greg nick and mollie, then nick mollie and I met tony phily and rob at downeys and watched Paper Lanterns play an acoustic set. they did an awesome Nerf Herder cover. after that i was to tired to do anything else and just went home.
tuesday i had off from work again, i don't remember what I did. damn.
wednesday i worked cvs in the morning until like 2. after work i went home and registered a netflix account. I watched 9 Songs and took a nap. woke up and picked Lauren up at school and went out for Sarah Wolfgangs birthday dinner at a pizza place along with Brian, Elliot, Sarah S., Devon, Kailey, Matt, Kyle and some other people. had a lot of fun there.
friday i worked in the morning, after work i hung out with Andy, Amanda, Nick, Conor, Greg and Dan. watched Land Of The Lost. after that Yosco and Chelsea came over and hung out for awhile. Then Lauren, Andy, Amanda, Greg and myself went up to north philly for Mollie and Sarahs joint birthday party. I had a lot of fun but some people didn't (couch, Greg, cough). just got real drunk and danced and was stupid.
rode back to Laurens and went to sleep. Saturday I woke up feeling really sick. not drunk sick, like actual sick, sharp pains in my stomach. layed in bed almost all day, until i decided i needed the money and went to work. i'm glad i did go in because it was super busy and I made a lot in tips. after work i went over to the show at 6th and Federal that i kinda booked. I really didn't do anything, only sent a few texts to secure the house, but everyone kept thanking me and stuff, it was weird. oh well. Jenni was there, other then that I didn't know anyone other then the bands. Lauren came by later too. Trunks and Tales opened it, they were T&T, what can I say. Science Fair played second, didn't watch them. Pedals On Our Pirate Ships played after them, they were on tour from Richmond, i watched about 10 seconds of them and left. Spraynard played last and it was kinda crazy. that might be the last time I book Spraynard in a basement. everyone was loosing their shit and going nuts. it was cool and all but it was way to hot in the basement and I felt like shit still. I left the show pretty quickly after it ended. came home with Lauren and went to bed pretty early.
Screaming Females - Laura And Marty
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