i'm about half way through watching all of the Rocky films, and i can't wait to see who the villians are in the last two, cause at this point they have honestly been getting better and better
Rocky 1
Apollo Creed = eh
Rocky 2
Apollo Creed = eh x2 (it's the same fucking guy)
Rocky 3
Clubber Lang = pretty nasty
Rocky 4
Ivan Drago = fucking crazy
i'm about 10 seconds into the final fight between Rocky and Ivan and I'm only assuming Rocky wins, but I can not wait to see who the villians are in Rocky 5 and Rocky 6 'Balboa'.
Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
"...not in a good way"
okay so last monday night i watched Exit Through The Gift Shop and it was great. I've even watched it a few times since then. after that i picked lauren up from work, dropped her off at home and went back home and went to bed.
tuesday i had truck at cvs. it wasn't to bad. i think i was there for about 12 hours that day. after work i went over to laurens and hung out there. don't really remember details actually. oh well.
wenesday i didnt have truck for the first time in like FOREVER.i know i spent the morning hanging out with lauren for a bit then went home and hung out at home for most of the day. alter that night i went to ikea to meet this lady who made earrings for lauren that i was giving to her for christmas. then i went back home and got pretty drunk and hung out with blackbeard, yosco, o, redbeard, murphy, scotty and a couple other people. lauren came over eventually and hung out too.
thursday i woke up and had a interview at 2. hung out at my house before that. then drove up to it. it ended up being a scam. after it i went home and packed my shit up. alex came over and picked me up and drove me home. got home around 5 thirty. then took a shower and ate dinner with my family for the first time in a long time. after that i went out and bought some booze and then went to dunkin donutes with some people and then me and jenni went to cayces house and hung out there for a hot minute then i went home and went to bed.
friday i woke up and was blown off by jenni so i waited around for marc and we went to borders and i got a book for my dad and we ran into tom cladek and talked to him for awhile then marc took me home. i showered and drove to laurens house for christmas eve dinner there. alot of her family was there and it wa a lot of fun. ate very well. hung out there pretty late, i think until like 1 and then drove home. i stayed up pretty late that night and finished watching Rocky 2 finally. it was really great. i get so into it when i watch those movies.
saturday was christmas. i was the lastest i woke up on christmas ever. went downstairs and opened presents with my family. i got seven seasons of the simpsons on dvd, some clothes and $250, so ya know, a good holiday. after that i watched Horton Hears A Who with my dad. then i went and picked up lauren at her house and we went to my sisters house in brick. spent most of christmas day there playing with my nieces and nephews. after we were tired of that we went back to laurens house, bridget came with us and then took my moms car back home and me and lauren drove back to philly. when we got back we exchanged gifts at her house. she got me Aziz Ansari tickets at carnegie hall and she blew up a poster i made for a show at terrordome and framed it, so pretty much the best gifts ever. after that we started watching ETTGS but we got tired and started falling asleep in the middle and went to bed.
so sunday i woke up at laurens and walked home pretty early. it was snowing pretty bad all day long. i was bored for most of the day. i watched Rocky 3 and ordered pizza and sat around for most of the day. i shovled the sidewalk at one point. eventually danillie and tony came over and hung out. then zack jp kiko and andy came over, and arik a little after that. we all sat around and watched Party Down and ate pizza, a lot more pizza was ordered that night, and left at my house, which i am sitll eating. eventually lauren came over and hung. thene veryone started to leave around 1 and me and lauren went to bed,
yesterday i woke up at my house with lauren. we got dressed and walked to her house to eat. we ate laftovers from christmas and finished watching ETTGS and then watched some more Party Down, showered and then walked back to me house and ate leftover pizza and then left to walk to the show. what a shitty walk in the wind, especially carrying all the mic stands. got there early. greek favoruteis were there waiting. then ape up! showed up, then the other bands. it was a fun show, but not very profitable. greeks played first, but i didnt watch them. then ape up played and i watched most of there set. then boys and sex played and i missed there set to collect some money and play video games. then peter the piano eater played last and was really great but i only saw one or two songs really. i'm just really really burnt out on live music these days. after the show we piled 9 people into a car (i was in the trunk with the singer of ape up! and and a bunch of sleds and my snow shovel) and drove to 11th and wharton and started watching Predator 2 but then me lauren and daniele went back to there house and hung out with mary and dan, which was great cause i hadn't seen dan in a few days or mary in forever. mary/dan gave me a anice scarf for xmas too which was unexpected and nice. i went to bed pretty early after that.
today i woke up and went to some mexican place with lauren and ape up and got burritos. it was cool hanging out with them again. after that me and lauren walked back to her house, where i found out the HFTH show was canceled so it left me with nothing to do tonight. so i walked home, hungout with all my roommates for a bit and then drove lauren to work and here i am.
The Sainte Catherines - Headliners Don't Load (But They Kill Cops)
tuesday i had truck at cvs. it wasn't to bad. i think i was there for about 12 hours that day. after work i went over to laurens and hung out there. don't really remember details actually. oh well.
wenesday i didnt have truck for the first time in like FOREVER.i know i spent the morning hanging out with lauren for a bit then went home and hung out at home for most of the day. alter that night i went to ikea to meet this lady who made earrings for lauren that i was giving to her for christmas. then i went back home and got pretty drunk and hung out with blackbeard, yosco, o, redbeard, murphy, scotty and a couple other people. lauren came over eventually and hung out too.
thursday i woke up and had a interview at 2. hung out at my house before that. then drove up to it. it ended up being a scam. after it i went home and packed my shit up. alex came over and picked me up and drove me home. got home around 5 thirty. then took a shower and ate dinner with my family for the first time in a long time. after that i went out and bought some booze and then went to dunkin donutes with some people and then me and jenni went to cayces house and hung out there for a hot minute then i went home and went to bed.
friday i woke up and was blown off by jenni so i waited around for marc and we went to borders and i got a book for my dad and we ran into tom cladek and talked to him for awhile then marc took me home. i showered and drove to laurens house for christmas eve dinner there. alot of her family was there and it wa a lot of fun. ate very well. hung out there pretty late, i think until like 1 and then drove home. i stayed up pretty late that night and finished watching Rocky 2 finally. it was really great. i get so into it when i watch those movies.
saturday was christmas. i was the lastest i woke up on christmas ever. went downstairs and opened presents with my family. i got seven seasons of the simpsons on dvd, some clothes and $250, so ya know, a good holiday. after that i watched Horton Hears A Who with my dad. then i went and picked up lauren at her house and we went to my sisters house in brick. spent most of christmas day there playing with my nieces and nephews. after we were tired of that we went back to laurens house, bridget came with us and then took my moms car back home and me and lauren drove back to philly. when we got back we exchanged gifts at her house. she got me Aziz Ansari tickets at carnegie hall and she blew up a poster i made for a show at terrordome and framed it, so pretty much the best gifts ever. after that we started watching ETTGS but we got tired and started falling asleep in the middle and went to bed.
so sunday i woke up at laurens and walked home pretty early. it was snowing pretty bad all day long. i was bored for most of the day. i watched Rocky 3 and ordered pizza and sat around for most of the day. i shovled the sidewalk at one point. eventually danillie and tony came over and hung out. then zack jp kiko and andy came over, and arik a little after that. we all sat around and watched Party Down and ate pizza, a lot more pizza was ordered that night, and left at my house, which i am sitll eating. eventually lauren came over and hung. thene veryone started to leave around 1 and me and lauren went to bed,
today i woke up and went to some mexican place with lauren and ape up and got burritos. it was cool hanging out with them again. after that me and lauren walked back to her house, where i found out the HFTH show was canceled so it left me with nothing to do tonight. so i walked home, hungout with all my roommates for a bit and then drove lauren to work and here i am.
The Sainte Catherines - Headliners Don't Load (But They Kill Cops)
Monday, December 20, 2010
pretty good week
so last monday i hung out with lauren in the morning and did a bunch of nothing for awhile. eventually i sucked it up and rode the worst ride of the season so far, and rode up to brians for dinner and hung out with him and alex, dale, lindsay, cayce and jim. we ate some pasta and then just hung out in brians room for awhile. eventually i rode back home in the terrible terrible cold. watched some tv and went to bed.
tuesday i woke up and got hoagies with nick and then watched a bunch of 30 rock with nick and andy/ then took the subway over to west philly and went to perrys house. hung out there for awhile and played with his cat. then we packed up the car and went and picked up jeff in fishtown and went to the subburbs for the show. everyone was really good. bearhug (paramedic) played first and were really good. better then paramedic even. after them lighten up played and were really great too. all the new songs were awesome, and so was the gorilla biscuits cover. then sidekicks played and were awesome. like legit great. played a few new songs that were all very awesome. then spraynard ended the show and were spraynard. good set but very short. after that perry drove me home and i ate and then rode over to laurens house to go to sleep. wednesday i worked truck and it was truck. god i hate that job. after that i went home and rested for a hot minute. then luther me tony and lauren went to brooklyn for a show. got there in pretty good time. luther played first. were ya know, luther. then timeshares played and were really great. they get better everytime i see them play. then the sidekicks played again and were so incredibly great. they played all the songs that i love that they didnt play the night before, including small, and the island, but didn't play looking.then the crappy ghost robot ninja band played last but i slept through there entire set. all in all brooklyn was great. got an entire pizza and saw some friends. it did suck cause it ended up being dans last show with the band. we drove home that night and i slept the entire way home.
thursday i am not sure what i did during most of the day. i know that night i went to the diner with lauren and danielle and met nick greg andy phil and his girlfriend. had a pretty good time there. then me and lauren went to her house and watched What We Do Is Secret, which was absolutely great. so stoked on the whole thing and the bronx as black flag ruled. went to bed after that.
friday was the house boat show. not sure what i did earlier in the day but i know i went with nick andy and phil to the luther practice space and helped them get there stuff for the show. on the way back it was brought to my attention that the house didnt have a pa for the show. so i scrambled around to find a pa.
finally was able to borrow the one at the banana stand. but when we got it to the show space we discovered it did not work correctly. perry had to call someone to bring another one. i came very close to having a panic attack/heart attack that night. eventually everything ended up going great. luther played first, then omar then dry feet. i didnt watch any of the opening bands at all really. i was busy collecting money and making sure the cats that lived at the house wouldn't get out (not so much fun). finally got to watch house boat though. they were great. they played a bunch of new stuff but it was just great to finally see them live. after the show i got to talk to mikey erg for like a very long time and he told me 1."he recognized me from lots of shows and seeing me arund the country" 2. why the ergs! really don't play shows and 3. that he felt "honored" and "stoked" that he got to play the terrordome. so all in all, a VERY good night. after everything was wrapped up me and lauren walked to my house and went to bed.
saturday morning we had to wake up early and go to richmond. we left around eleven in the morning. made really good time getting down there. went to jeff riddles horse farm first. was so great to see him and dookie kong. we hung out there for awhile, drank some beer and i generally pissed off a bunch of horses. after that we took jeff and went to this dumb bro bar called the starlite. ate expensive bad food and drank expensive shitty beer and got the phone number from out slutty waitress. then we went to the show and it was all around just a terrible terrible show. this si your life played first and were pretty tight but just a hardcore band. then some other touring band played and were pretty terrible. like very very bad. i only watched it to avoid the cold outside, cause we weren't allowed in the house. terrible show. then luther played to a much smaller crowd then the first two bands did. then hold tight played and were tight was well but still just a hardcoreish band and sounded like a good lifetime rip off. after that we packed up pretty quickly and drove jeff back to his farm and then we made a very long and tiresome/crappy ride home back to philly. got home around 5 thirty am and went straight to bed. slept pretty late sunday. after that i went over to laurens and watched tv with her and danielle and then we went over to ava house for leo's birthday. had a lot of fun there and got very drunk. probably to drunk. went home around 3 am. today i slept until about noon. hung out with lauren for awhile and then came home. i then hung out with dan for awhile and watched 30 Rock with him for awhile, well until he fell asleep, which he is still doing right next to me. lets see how this holiday season goes.
Lighten Up! - Same Shirt, Different Day
thursday i am not sure what i did during most of the day. i know that night i went to the diner with lauren and danielle and met nick greg andy phil and his girlfriend. had a pretty good time there. then me and lauren went to her house and watched What We Do Is Secret, which was absolutely great. so stoked on the whole thing and the bronx as black flag ruled. went to bed after that.
friday was the house boat show. not sure what i did earlier in the day but i know i went with nick andy and phil to the luther practice space and helped them get there stuff for the show. on the way back it was brought to my attention that the house didnt have a pa for the show. so i scrambled around to find a pa.
finally was able to borrow the one at the banana stand. but when we got it to the show space we discovered it did not work correctly. perry had to call someone to bring another one. i came very close to having a panic attack/heart attack that night. eventually everything ended up going great. luther played first, then omar then dry feet. i didnt watch any of the opening bands at all really. i was busy collecting money and making sure the cats that lived at the house wouldn't get out (not so much fun). finally got to watch house boat though. they were great. they played a bunch of new stuff but it was just great to finally see them live. after the show i got to talk to mikey erg for like a very long time and he told me 1."he recognized me from lots of shows and seeing me arund the country" 2. why the ergs! really don't play shows and 3. that he felt "honored" and "stoked" that he got to play the terrordome. so all in all, a VERY good night. after everything was wrapped up me and lauren walked to my house and went to bed.
Lighten Up! - Same Shirt, Different Day
Thursday, December 16, 2010
the top records of 2010 in my opinion
1. None More Black - Icons
2. The Menzingers - Chamberlain Waits
3. Everyone Everywhere - Everyone Everywhere
4. Carpenter - Sea To Sky
5. Spraynard - Cut And Paste
6. The Measure [sa] - Notes
7. Superchunk - Majesty Shredding
8. Black Wine - Black Wine
9. Iron Chic - Not Like This
10. Bars Of Gold - Of Gold
12. The Dopamines - Expect The Worse
13. Off With Their Heads - In Desolation
14. The Extra Lens - Undercard
15. Screaming Females - Castle Talk
and the top EPs/Demos
1. The Holy Mess - Benefit Sesh
2. Paper Lanterns - Demo
3. Highlites - Thanks For Coming Out
4. Glocca Morra/The Greek Favourites - Songs In The Key of Ayyyyyyyy
5. Big Soda - Paper Route
6. Lavis Blake - In Tandem
7. P.S. Eliot - Living In Squalor
8. Big Eyes - Demo
9. Luther - In Through The Nose Out Through The Mouth
10. The Great Explainer - The Way Things Swell
1. None More Black - Icons
2. The Menzingers - Chamberlain Waits
3. Everyone Everywhere - Everyone Everywhere
4. Carpenter - Sea To Sky
5. Spraynard - Cut And Paste
6. The Measure [sa] - Notes
7. Superchunk - Majesty Shredding
8. Black Wine - Black Wine
9. Iron Chic - Not Like This
10. Bars Of Gold - Of Gold
12. The Dopamines - Expect The Worse
13. Off With Their Heads - In Desolation
14. The Extra Lens - Undercard
15. Screaming Females - Castle Talk
and the top EPs/Demos
1. The Holy Mess - Benefit Sesh
2. Paper Lanterns - Demo
3. Highlites - Thanks For Coming Out
4. Glocca Morra/The Greek Favourites - Songs In The Key of Ayyyyyyyy
5. Big Soda - Paper Route
6. Lavis Blake - In Tandem
7. P.S. Eliot - Living In Squalor
8. Big Eyes - Demo
9. Luther - In Through The Nose Out Through The Mouth
10. The Great Explainer - The Way Things Swell
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
a mix
to sum up everything good that came out this year.
1. Carpenter - Mean Things
2. Iron Chic - Cutesy Monster Man
3. None More Black - Iron Mouth Act
4. Jeff Riddle - Me And My Liver
5. Lighten Up - Same Shirt, Different Day
6. Paper Lanterns - Alaska
7. RVIVR - Cold In Your Bones
8. The Menzingers - Home Outgrown
9. Spraynard - Stickin' Together Is What Good Waffles Do
10. Black Wine - Chateua Of Ghosts
11. The Dopamines - Dick Simmons
12. Everyone Everywhere - Tiny Planet
13. The Measure [sa] - Be Yours
14. Highlites - Empty Bed Syndrome
15. Timeshares - Woke Up In Grappler School
16. Superchunk - Digging For Something
17. Big Soda - I Know You
18. The Holy Mess - Goodbye 3713
19. Bars Of Gold -Heaven Has A Heater
20. Luther - Aztec Tomb (demo)
21. Captain, Were Sinking - Foster Brothers
22. Big Eyes - Prefer To Be Alone
23. Static Radio - Last Year (demo)
24. Bad Banana - Stand Next To Me (demo)
25. Glocca Morra - Bedford Avenue
if you want a copy email me and i can try to get it to you.
Jan3rd EDIT i had to take the songs by The Sidekicks and Angry Serfs off cause they came out in 2009. my bad.
1. Carpenter - Mean Things
2. Iron Chic - Cutesy Monster Man
3. None More Black - Iron Mouth Act
4. Jeff Riddle - Me And My Liver
5. Lighten Up - Same Shirt, Different Day
6. Paper Lanterns - Alaska
7. RVIVR - Cold In Your Bones
8. The Menzingers - Home Outgrown
9. Spraynard - Stickin' Together Is What Good Waffles Do
10. Black Wine - Chateua Of Ghosts
11. The Dopamines - Dick Simmons
12. Everyone Everywhere - Tiny Planet
13. The Measure [sa] - Be Yours
14. Highlites - Empty Bed Syndrome
15. Timeshares - Woke Up In Grappler School
16. Superchunk - Digging For Something
17. Big Soda - I Know You
18. The Holy Mess - Goodbye 3713
19. Bars Of Gold -Heaven Has A Heater
20. Luther - Aztec Tomb (demo)
21. Captain, Were Sinking - Foster Brothers
22. Big Eyes - Prefer To Be Alone
23. Static Radio - Last Year (demo)
24. Bad Banana - Stand Next To Me (demo)
25. Glocca Morra - Bedford Avenue
if you want a copy email me and i can try to get it to you.
Jan3rd EDIT i had to take the songs by The Sidekicks and Angry Serfs off cause they came out in 2009. my bad.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
i hate when i wait and have to update on over a week of stuff.
i don't remember this thursday. oh well.
friday i worked at cvs. after work i got home and showered and got dressed and went to pennington NJ with Luther and greg for a show. the show, honestly, was not that good. but it was better then doing nothing i guess. ended up getting very drunk and inventing a weird accent with greg (that took me a day or two to shake). after the show i realized i left my phone at the house and basically got back to philly, went to laurens, slept a few hours then woke up very early to meet the kid who lived there and get it back, then drove straight back to philly and went back to bed. it was so early that lauren didnt even know i had left really. but doing that sorta put the rest of my day in a funk. i went home at some point and just sorta napped and sat around for most of the day. saturday night i know i went over to laurens and hung out there for a bit with her and danielle as they watched some harry potter movie. eventually danielle left and then mary and dan came home and we all watched The Fantastic Mr Fox, which was so good that i watched it a second time immediately after. then went to bed at laurens house.
sunday i went home in the morning. downbound city was recording in my basement again. i just sat around and ate and watched king of the hill for most of the day. then eventually got my shit together and went over to laurens and we went to the lanes for the Ergs!/Hunchback reunion show. it was pretty good. definitely not as good as the break up shows. less energetic and the sets were the same for the day and night show, even though i didnt go to the day show. the only really good parts about these shows was that i knew so many more people there then at the last shows, and that lauren was there with me. i also lost my shoe the third song in and then cut my foot. but other then that it was fun. got free beer thanks to mikey, and the ergs covered the clash and closed with 'pool pass'. after the show i drove us home and lauren slept for some of the ride home.
monday i had off from work again. it was a very unproductive day. woke up at laurens and rode home pretty early. and i'm pretty sure i never really left my couch all day. that night i went out and just rode around by myself and got food and then went home and watched Spies Like Us by myself and then went to bed.
tuesday i had off from work. i think i just sat around for most of the day and watched tv and movies. i honestly don't remember what i did for the most part this day. i probably just watched king of the hill and 30 rock. i think i also watched a movie.
wenesday i had truck. got to work at 6thirty. the truck itself didn't take long. but after it was done i stuck around to milk as many hours as i could out of it. i ended up staying 12 hours and not taking a break. after work i went home and fell asleep for a bit. then eventually went over to laurens and slept there.
thursday i rode home and got a call to come into work to close but i couldn't because of the show i booked that night. so i went in from 3 to 6. it was an east shift to say the least. after work i rode home, ate some food and then went over to the show. the show was good. good turnout, everyone who played was good. connor opened it, did a saves the day cover. then trunks and tales played and did a promise ring cover. then zack schwartz played and did a tigers jaw cover and a elliot smith cover. then redbeard played and basically only did highlites songs. then pj played and was really great. then steveo finished it off, did a verve pipe cover. lots of covers that night. after the show was pretty much wrapped up i got my shit and left. went home and finished watching Mallrats with dan and lauren. then went to bed.
friday morning i watched the Runaways. it was ok. during that i was called into work. got to work at 3 and closed, so i was there until midnight. it was a pretty boring night, and i got pretty bummed out about missing out on everything going on that night. after work i went home and tried watching a movie but fell asleep. woke up later and then rode over to laurens and slept there.
yesterday we all woke up and then danielle mary dan lauren and i drove up the punk rock flea market. got in for free wich was nice. it was very overwhelming. but it was good to see lots of people. ran into perry, sean g, gay, guy, deanna, zia, josh and some other people. got a descendents button, a vitamin x poster, a subhumanz poster, and a gbh t shirt. after that we drove home and basically just hung low at laurens house. its sweet that danielle lives there now. eventually lauren had to leave to go to work, so me and dan came home and made dinner and watched some king of the hill and then both fell asleep. eventually nick phil and greg came over and hung out for a bit. then everyone left so i went over to zacks house for the show. caught one song by monument, and then saw everyone everywhere, who were good as always. hung out for a bit after the show but eventually left and came home. downloaded a bunch of music and then road over in the rain to laurens and went to bed.
today we woke up feeling not so great and just kinda layed around and watched tv until i came home. now here i am watching tv and doing this and feeling sick.
Die Antwoord - Evil Boy
i don't remember this thursday. oh well.
friday i worked at cvs. after work i got home and showered and got dressed and went to pennington NJ with Luther and greg for a show. the show, honestly, was not that good. but it was better then doing nothing i guess. ended up getting very drunk and inventing a weird accent with greg (that took me a day or two to shake). after the show i realized i left my phone at the house and basically got back to philly, went to laurens, slept a few hours then woke up very early to meet the kid who lived there and get it back, then drove straight back to philly and went back to bed. it was so early that lauren didnt even know i had left really. but doing that sorta put the rest of my day in a funk. i went home at some point and just sorta napped and sat around for most of the day. saturday night i know i went over to laurens and hung out there for a bit with her and danielle as they watched some harry potter movie. eventually danielle left and then mary and dan came home and we all watched The Fantastic Mr Fox, which was so good that i watched it a second time immediately after. then went to bed at laurens house.
sunday i went home in the morning. downbound city was recording in my basement again. i just sat around and ate and watched king of the hill for most of the day. then eventually got my shit together and went over to laurens and we went to the lanes for the Ergs!/Hunchback reunion show. it was pretty good. definitely not as good as the break up shows. less energetic and the sets were the same for the day and night show, even though i didnt go to the day show. the only really good parts about these shows was that i knew so many more people there then at the last shows, and that lauren was there with me. i also lost my shoe the third song in and then cut my foot. but other then that it was fun. got free beer thanks to mikey, and the ergs covered the clash and closed with 'pool pass'. after the show i drove us home and lauren slept for some of the ride home.
monday i had off from work again. it was a very unproductive day. woke up at laurens and rode home pretty early. and i'm pretty sure i never really left my couch all day. that night i went out and just rode around by myself and got food and then went home and watched Spies Like Us by myself and then went to bed.
tuesday i had off from work. i think i just sat around for most of the day and watched tv and movies. i honestly don't remember what i did for the most part this day. i probably just watched king of the hill and 30 rock. i think i also watched a movie.
wenesday i had truck. got to work at 6thirty. the truck itself didn't take long. but after it was done i stuck around to milk as many hours as i could out of it. i ended up staying 12 hours and not taking a break. after work i went home and fell asleep for a bit. then eventually went over to laurens and slept there.
thursday i rode home and got a call to come into work to close but i couldn't because of the show i booked that night. so i went in from 3 to 6. it was an east shift to say the least. after work i rode home, ate some food and then went over to the show. the show was good. good turnout, everyone who played was good. connor opened it, did a saves the day cover. then trunks and tales played and did a promise ring cover. then zack schwartz played and did a tigers jaw cover and a elliot smith cover. then redbeard played and basically only did highlites songs. then pj played and was really great. then steveo finished it off, did a verve pipe cover. lots of covers that night. after the show was pretty much wrapped up i got my shit and left. went home and finished watching Mallrats with dan and lauren. then went to bed.
friday morning i watched the Runaways. it was ok. during that i was called into work. got to work at 3 and closed, so i was there until midnight. it was a pretty boring night, and i got pretty bummed out about missing out on everything going on that night. after work i went home and tried watching a movie but fell asleep. woke up later and then rode over to laurens and slept there.
today we woke up feeling not so great and just kinda layed around and watched tv until i came home. now here i am watching tv and doing this and feeling sick.
Die Antwoord - Evil Boy
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
i don't watch
the show Madmen, but check this out....
i clean up pretty well if it was the 40s, and if i was a cartoon....
Hold Tight! - Our Pets' Heads Are Falling Off
i clean up pretty well if it was the 40s, and if i was a cartoon....
Hold Tight! - Our Pets' Heads Are Falling Off
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
bunch of nothing lately
another huge update. last sunday i woke up and went to popeyes with arik and lauren. then me and arik went to his house then west philly to go to upenns hospital to see if we could find any medical tests for money. no dice. then we went to the bike church so i could get new handle bars, but it was closed. then we went to west philly arcade and played the T2 game for about an hour. then i went and got pictures developed and i went home for most of the night. not sure what i did at the end of the night.
monday i worked in the morning. after work i went home and cleaned up and showered and ate and whatnot. then i had a bunch of people over to drink and hang out including all roommates, danielle, vinny, greg, arik, zack, joe, tony, kiko, andy, jordan and there may of been some others but i can't remember really. dave fontaine came into the city too and hung out with everyone and me. we all got pretty drunk. eventually everyone left and me and dave went to melrose diner and got food then went back to my house and went to bed.
tuesday morning we went to el rey and got cheese hoagies and then went back to my house and watched Beer League, which was not that good. dave left after that and I didn't do much more after that. I watched some king of the hill and hung out with nick and phil and andy and amanda. lauren came over for a little bit and ate dinner at my house. i tried to go to bed early cause of my early shift on wenesday, but couldn't sleep. I ended up watching Planet Of The Apes.
wenesday i woke up at 4 and went to work. got out around 1 and went back to sleep for a few hours. after that i got up and did some laundry and hung out at my house for a little bit before i left philly to go home. got home around 8. dave fontaine came by for a little bit to get his charger. then i left and went to Rahway to pick up chris from the train station then we went to mikes and hung out. it was so good to see them. i haven't seen mike or caitlin or madeline in over a year. madeline was already asleep but i got to see a bunch of pictures and man has she grown. hung out there almost all night. went to sonic around 3 and waited in line forever but it was so worth it. after that we went back to mikes hung out some more and then i drove home around 5 am.
thursday was thanksgiving. i slept in pretty late. went driving around. didn't do much else. it was a very uneventful day. family came over. it was good seeing neices and nephews. ate what i could and fell asleep. woke up later and started watching tv. megan and dave came back with the kids and lauren came over and met them, which was nice. they left and i watched GrownUps with my mom, bridget and lauren. then after that i watched all of season two of Bored To Death, which was awesome. then i went to bed.
woke up friday morning still in jersey and watched a few episodes of Eastbound And Down with lauren then left and went back to philly. i walked home from laurens and took a nap, watched some tv and ate dinner. then went over to the show i booked at Zacks house. pretty good show. everyone was super nice. everyone was on time. made about a hundred bucks. spraynard opened the show. then the touring bands played. both were very good. annabel played for a long time. everyone everywhere played last. played a short set. everything ran very well. stoked to be booking more shows at this house in the future. i stuck around and hung out for awhile then went home and met lauren at my house and went to sleep.
saturday i woke up hung out at my house for most of the day. ate pizza that day and played a bunch of pokemon stadium. it included nick andy phil and greg. arik and dan came over eventually. later on it ended up being a bunch of friends hanging out at the house playing video games. randomly my sister meghan was in town and came by after her dinner. lauren came over to and we all hung out for a bit.
after they left me lauren danny and greg walked over to steveo's for the 'opening' of his bar at his house. hung out, got really drunk and had a really good night. after awhile me and lauren walked home and went to bed. i bet we tried to watch a movie but we totally fell asleep.
sunday we woke up at my house. lauren went home and i hung out at home. we went out to dinner with her parents and aunt and uncle and grandparents at a fancy restaurant in center city. was sorta bummed i didn't go to the matt skiba/brendan kelly show at the note cause the show apparently ruled and everyone got to go back to bam margeras house afterwards and party. i went to laurens house and slept there that night.
monday i went home and watched Friday by myself and ate a hoagie. eventually steveo came over and watched a bunch of king of the hill with me. i went to the post office and got a package i ordered awhile ago. then came home and hung out for awhile. eventually i went over to zack/jp/tims house to do an interview for tims anthropology project/a doct about philadlephia house shows for kiko and andy. it was very professional. the most professional i've ever done actually. after that i went over to menzingers house and got very drunk with them and tony and jeff meyers and phil batiato. discussed great trilogies. only came up with Back To The Future and Toy Story. goddamn. went to laurens and slept there that night.
tuesday i had off again. i woke up and drove lauren to school. then came home, watched some koth, then met danille tom leo augusta and dj at royal tavern for lunch. then met everyone at ava house and helped daniele move a bunch of her stuff to laurens then me her and augusta went to forman mills and wal mart in super south philly for awhile. then i dropped everyone off and went home. watched some MORE koth then met lauren danille augusta dj spenser arik vinny and josh at fox and the hound for pint night. ran into dale there and two dudes who knew me as the "guy who pulled his balls out at the lanes a week ago". me and lauren walked back to my house for fath and then hung out with andy for a bit and went to bed.
today i worked the truck at cvs, milked my shift as long as possible then came home. watched How High with andy, but fell asleep. did some random work, then made myself dinner and watched Casino. and now here i am about to leave to go over to laurens. man i'm tired from doing a whole bunch of nothing lately.
Superchunk - Precision Auto
monday i worked in the morning. after work i went home and cleaned up and showered and ate and whatnot. then i had a bunch of people over to drink and hang out including all roommates, danielle, vinny, greg, arik, zack, joe, tony, kiko, andy, jordan and there may of been some others but i can't remember really. dave fontaine came into the city too and hung out with everyone and me. we all got pretty drunk. eventually everyone left and me and dave went to melrose diner and got food then went back to my house and went to bed.
tuesday morning we went to el rey and got cheese hoagies and then went back to my house and watched Beer League, which was not that good. dave left after that and I didn't do much more after that. I watched some king of the hill and hung out with nick and phil and andy and amanda. lauren came over for a little bit and ate dinner at my house. i tried to go to bed early cause of my early shift on wenesday, but couldn't sleep. I ended up watching Planet Of The Apes.
wenesday i woke up at 4 and went to work. got out around 1 and went back to sleep for a few hours. after that i got up and did some laundry and hung out at my house for a little bit before i left philly to go home. got home around 8. dave fontaine came by for a little bit to get his charger. then i left and went to Rahway to pick up chris from the train station then we went to mikes and hung out. it was so good to see them. i haven't seen mike or caitlin or madeline in over a year. madeline was already asleep but i got to see a bunch of pictures and man has she grown. hung out there almost all night. went to sonic around 3 and waited in line forever but it was so worth it. after that we went back to mikes hung out some more and then i drove home around 5 am.
thursday was thanksgiving. i slept in pretty late. went driving around. didn't do much else. it was a very uneventful day. family came over. it was good seeing neices and nephews. ate what i could and fell asleep. woke up later and started watching tv. megan and dave came back with the kids and lauren came over and met them, which was nice. they left and i watched GrownUps with my mom, bridget and lauren. then after that i watched all of season two of Bored To Death, which was awesome. then i went to bed.
woke up friday morning still in jersey and watched a few episodes of Eastbound And Down with lauren then left and went back to philly. i walked home from laurens and took a nap, watched some tv and ate dinner. then went over to the show i booked at Zacks house. pretty good show. everyone was super nice. everyone was on time. made about a hundred bucks. spraynard opened the show. then the touring bands played. both were very good. annabel played for a long time. everyone everywhere played last. played a short set. everything ran very well. stoked to be booking more shows at this house in the future. i stuck around and hung out for awhile then went home and met lauren at my house and went to sleep.
saturday i woke up hung out at my house for most of the day. ate pizza that day and played a bunch of pokemon stadium. it included nick andy phil and greg. arik and dan came over eventually. later on it ended up being a bunch of friends hanging out at the house playing video games. randomly my sister meghan was in town and came by after her dinner. lauren came over to and we all hung out for a bit.
after they left me lauren danny and greg walked over to steveo's for the 'opening' of his bar at his house. hung out, got really drunk and had a really good night. after awhile me and lauren walked home and went to bed. i bet we tried to watch a movie but we totally fell asleep.
sunday we woke up at my house. lauren went home and i hung out at home. we went out to dinner with her parents and aunt and uncle and grandparents at a fancy restaurant in center city. was sorta bummed i didn't go to the matt skiba/brendan kelly show at the note cause the show apparently ruled and everyone got to go back to bam margeras house afterwards and party. i went to laurens house and slept there that night.
monday i went home and watched Friday by myself and ate a hoagie. eventually steveo came over and watched a bunch of king of the hill with me. i went to the post office and got a package i ordered awhile ago. then came home and hung out for awhile. eventually i went over to zack/jp/tims house to do an interview for tims anthropology project/a doct about philadlephia house shows for kiko and andy. it was very professional. the most professional i've ever done actually. after that i went over to menzingers house and got very drunk with them and tony and jeff meyers and phil batiato. discussed great trilogies. only came up with Back To The Future and Toy Story. goddamn. went to laurens and slept there that night.
tuesday i had off again. i woke up and drove lauren to school. then came home, watched some koth, then met danille tom leo augusta and dj at royal tavern for lunch. then met everyone at ava house and helped daniele move a bunch of her stuff to laurens then me her and augusta went to forman mills and wal mart in super south philly for awhile. then i dropped everyone off and went home. watched some MORE koth then met lauren danille augusta dj spenser arik vinny and josh at fox and the hound for pint night. ran into dale there and two dudes who knew me as the "guy who pulled his balls out at the lanes a week ago". me and lauren walked back to my house for fath and then hung out with andy for a bit and went to bed.
today i worked the truck at cvs, milked my shift as long as possible then came home. watched How High with andy, but fell asleep. did some random work, then made myself dinner and watched Casino. and now here i am about to leave to go over to laurens. man i'm tired from doing a whole bunch of nothing lately.
Superchunk - Precision Auto
Sunday, November 21, 2010
big update
friday i worked and then after work went home and got pizza with andy and amanda came over and ate some.we watched Parks And Recreations and then greg came over and played around with my Mako and fell in love with it. then they left for the housewarming party and PatO/Nick/Pete Pies house. a little later i went to laurens and we rode up to the party together. the party was nuts. there were TONS of people there, it was actually over crowded. but all in all it was a very crazy party, i passed out two times. me and lauren left around 2 and went to south street to get pizza but bailed on that and went to wawa and stole sandwhichs and went to her house and went to bed.
saturday i woke up pretty hungover and went to work at 2. had a very boring lame day at work, and to my dislike at the end of my shift my boss came in and told me she had to let me go, which sucked. after that i met lauren at royal tavern and got some dinner. then we went to her house and attempted to watched episdoe of East Bound and Down for like the tenth time. i believe we did finish it this night.
saturday i woke up pretty hungover and went to work at 2. had a very boring lame day at work, and to my dislike at the end of my shift my boss came in and told me she had to let me go, which sucked. after that i met lauren at royal tavern and got some dinner. then we went to her house and attempted to watched episdoe of East Bound and Down for like the tenth time. i believe we did finish it this night.
sunday i woke up at laurens and went home pretty soon after that. hung out during the ruinings practice and did some laundry and cleaned up a bit. then went to new harmony for sunday buffet with dan mary and lauren. then we came back and drank whiskey and basically tortured marys cat.
monday i had off from work and i believe i just stayed in for pretty much the entire day? damn i don't remember. i know i wathced a bunch of Parks and Recreations, and I know nick came home pretty late and we played pokemon stadium. and i stayed up very late downloading music and eventually watched Planet of The Apes and passed out.
tuesday i had off from work AGAIN. i believe i just staying in for the most part. i cleaned my room and finally unpacked that last box next to my bed and organized my records and washed my sheets and made my bed. i even finally made that package and sent it to my sister and went to the bank just to check up on my money and stuff. then got cheese hoagies and jenni came over and we hung out, andy was involved here and there. me and jenni played some pokemon stadium and watched Barton Fink (one of my favorite films, and my favorite Coen Brothers film). she eventually left and went home and I just went to bed.
so thursday i woke up very hung over and confused, and also mad cause i had to putt all of my clothes in the dryer before i went out. eventually i got up and out and went to marc critellis house and hung out for a bit there then we went and got bagels and went to the resevoir. then i dropped him off at home and met my mom at her job and went and got pizza with her. after that i visited dave fontaine at his job and caught up with him and then went back to my moms house and waited for alex to come pick me up and drive me back to philly. i got home at like 5 and then just felt in a funk for the rest of the day. didn't go to a pretty sweet show a block away from my house even. just made some dinner and stayed in. lauren came over eventually and we ordered a pizza and watched saturday night live, and then she had to leave to go to a midnight showing of harry potter. so i stayed in and finished season two of Parks and Recreations, man do i hope they make a second season of that show.
yesterday i woke up pretty late after being sick all night. me and lauren went to black and brew for reakfast. then we went to my house and hung out with steve hit mike for a bit then eventually went up to my room and watched
Planet Terror, and suprisingly she stayed awake for the entire thing and enjoyed it. after that we watched some Saturday Night Live downstairs and then Hoarders. then suprisingly to my I found out there was no room for me to come to trenton for the last Ruining show. I was pretty bummed about that, but whatever. i made some dinner for myself and watched an episode of 30 Rock and then went over to zacks house for the show. Watertowers were pretty good. Greek Favourites were tuned down so they sounded metaly. Choke Up were pretty heavy and people were enjoying them. honestly though the only band i watcheded entirely was Captain Were Sinking, even though they played the only who songs i know first, but they did close with Linoleum cover. also, people were losing there SHIT during capt, it was nuts. after the bands i hung out for a few more hours and partied. around1 i went home and watched more 30 Rock waiting for lauren to get out of work and come over.
The Cardinal Sin - Eye Opener
Thursday, November 11, 2010
days off....
today i;
slept in.
went to the bank/popeyes/fernadez
then watched
i enjoy days off from work.
slept in.
went to the bank/popeyes/fernadez
then watched
i enjoy days off from work.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
since Fest
so since I've been back from fest I haven't done so much. was feeling pretty sick for a few days. tuesday i just hung out around my house. watched MacGruber with andy at some point. eventually i went over to laurens to hang out with her and ended up sleeping there. wenesday i went back to work at cvs. felt like crap all day long. after work i had to walk my bike home from west philly cause i had a flat, that sucked. then i napped and then ended updoing something.... i can't remember last wenesday. thursday i know i worked and then after work took the subway home and then took another nap. then was going to go to a party at ava house but got a blow out and just walked home and then walked to laurens and hung out with her and mary and dan and then went to bed. friday i worked at cvs aaaagain. took the subway to work cause my bike was still down. after work lauren picked me up from work and drove me to performance to buy new tubes. then
we went to her house and took a nap. then i walked home and hung out there. bunch of people came over, including phil, tom, greg, greg, danielle, vinny and maybe some other and all of my roommates. we drank..a lot, and watched king of the hill and just hung out. andy nick dan and phil recorded Luther demos all night. i waited up real late for lauren to come over and sleep over. saturday i woke up and me and lauren watched Get Him To The Greek, which was pretty good. after that she went home and I went to work at the coffee shop. danielle and greg b came and visited me at work for like 4 hours. I burned ALL of the Luther demos at work that day and wrote on everyone one and stuffed them all in there sleves with inserts. took me awhile but worth it (they look like crap). after work i went home then to dads haus for the show. missed the first band, but got there in time for Luthers first show. they were okay. i've heard them play like 17 times already. after them Timeshares and Great Explainer played but I didn't watch them really. i walked to a store to get beer with greg b mary and adrian. ended up getting way to drunk. after the show i went to J&Js pizza with amanda mary and augusta. put my two extra pizza slices in my jacket pockets, rode home a different way then the people I was with (which led them to believe i was in an accident), got home, forgot to get andy pizza, apologized, asked him to buy me a pie from dominos, told lauren to come over when she was out of work, went upstairs, locked me door and passed out with pizza in my pockets. sunday i woke up to a mess downstairs and connor greg k and mattvan still down there watching Waynes World 2. eventually lauren came over and her, dan mary andy and amanda and i and greg k walked to melrose diner fo breakfast, which ended up being some sort of a shitshow where me and greg spent the entire breakfast trying to make andy sick. after that we went back to my house watched some of the Office then i went to work at the coffee shop again. Lauren came and suprise visited me for a little bit and before i left to go home arik came by and hung out for a little bit. after work i went home, got laurens car and drove up to the fire to see The Measure [sa]. it was a terribly attended show. fid said mid set that when they "normally play in philadelphia it's right in front of dennis breaking his glasses". that was probably one of my more favorite 'shoutouts' ever. Omar and Worn In Red played too and were both pretty good. after the show i hung out there with patO for a bit and ate pizza. eventually drove back to laurens and slept there. yesterday (monday) i walked home in the morning and just hung out at home all day. watched a lot of Parks and Recreations and made a picture on my computer to print out and hang up in the house (which i did).
eventually nick dan and phil came home and we drank and played golden eye. eventually andy came home and I took the Luther band photos for them when there photographer bailed. we did it in nicks shower. they came out bad, but they used them. after that we all watched the premiere of Conan, which was fanfuckingtastic. after that we watched Russel Brand stand up comedy which ended up being pretty ok then i sorta passed out on the couch and then went up to bed. today I had off again and wasn't sure what to do with my day. so I began to watch The Brady Bunch Movie then i was called to cover a shift at the coffee shop, said yes, finished my movie then went to performance to buy new tires since i kept gettng flats and then rode to work after hanging out with lauren for awhile. while at work young jok came by and fixed my laptop then later on reuben and arik and one of his roommates came by and hung out for awhile. and here I am now. wonder what life is going to be like the rest of this week
Luther - There's Always Money In The Banana Stand

Luther - There's Always Money In The Banana Stand
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Fest 9
okay, lauren, annie, augusta, mike schwartz and myself left for fest thursday morning. got there pretty quickly. Only stopped for gas and like at a waffle house and JR's and south of the border. i drove all of south caroline and georgia and then slept through florida and woke up in Gainesville at 3 am. we got a room, the girls went to sleep and me and mike drank in the parking lot. ran into capt in the lot and some other kids. eventually went to bed and woke up a few hours later. renued the room and went and go bagels at a bad bagel place. that was the begining of just non stop run ins with people i know from all over the country. such a great weekend (i'll probably end up saying that a bunch in this entry). then we went to registration, waited in line, got our passes, got a bunch of koozies, got some vinyl, swam in the holiday in pool, watched the No BS Brass Band and Larry and His Flask and just got to hang with a ton of great people.
so i basically tweeted everything i was doing so i would remember it, or be able to read it all when it was all said and done. cause even at the pool party at like 2pm, i was pretty trashed. also, best party of fest 9 was maybe getting to hang out with Jeff Riddle a fucking ton too, and JR as Russel Tate. okay, the first band i saw was Stolen Parts at Jeffs Deli, then Carpenter played and were fucking awesome, and everyone was really into it and it ruled very hard. After that was done me and Lauren sprinted to spin cycle to see Big Soda, who were really good but the crowd was weird and people were pushing to much and hurting girls and two dudes got kicked out. Then went to common grounds to see Static Radio, who played in drag. Did a bunch of stage dives and only saw half there set again. Left early with Lauren and Nick R. to go see Bars Of Gold at 1982, who were fucking amazing, and people were losing there shit over them, it was like a religious experience. After that me and Lauren met up with Great Explainer dudes and Carpenter dudes at 8 Seconds to see Kylesa who were also awesome, but that place was huge. After that me and Lauren Jeff and Tony went to the civic center to see Mikey Erg acoustic, we tried to convince Pat O to come but he didnt and ended up getting kicked out of fest instead. But Mikey Erg was great. Did a TON of Ergs! covers and even did a Pysched To Die cover. People were circle pitting to an acoustic show, it was nuts. After that we went to Rum Runners and saw some of Heavy Petty with JR, which was pretty lame, and then ended up going back to 8 Seconds to see High On Fire, who fucking ruled. After that we all ended up walking back to the hotel (which sucked!), but somehow we all got split up, and i ended up walking back with JR Greg K and Dayna from Carpenter. the last two were both very drunk and stumbling into traffic, which made the two mile walk very unfun, and that plus coming home to a bunch of people in my hotel room was not fun. but eventually i said fuck it and just drank and hung out at the hotel all night.
went to bed incredibly late. the next day we got pizza at leonardos and then couldn't get into common grounds to see Iron Chic so we went to 1982 to see Big Eyes who were sort of a let down. After that we went to 8 Seconds to hang out, Paul Baribeau was playing, didn't care too much except Mike Erg sang 'Only Babies Cry' with him. After him me and Lauren watched Good Luck over Algernon Cadwalader cause she had never seen GL before. they were really really tight and people were going nuts during there set, but they didnt play the cover. After that we went to the Venue and saw Banner Pilot. then came back to 8 Seconds, saw like one song of Defiance Ohio, then saw The Measure [sa], who didnt have a huge turnout but those who were there were psyched. After that me and Lauren went back over to the Venue and saw Teenage Bottlerocket, who were very good and very tight. Then Lauren rushed me over to 1982 to see The Max Levine Ensemble, who were really good, I'm just not all that into there new material, oh well. After them we stuck around and watched Captain, Were Sinking. People were going nuts during there set. I had no idea Capt were so big. They also covered 'Going To Georgia'. After that me and Lauren went over to the civic media center to Theo Grizol, thinking we were going to see acoustic Nana Grizol songs, but it ended up being acoustic Defiance Ohio songs. That sucked very hard so we left and went to the Venue to catch the second half of Paint It Black, and it was definitely worth it. Kissed Josh on stage mid break down and I leap frogged Dan Yemin. Afterwards Lauren called Josh out on cutting the line for pizza at 5 Star. After that the drunken quest for house shows began. We ended up at one where Glocca Morra was suppose to play but the cops came and it was shut down. Then me Danielle Jordyn and Pete went to another house to end up seeing Comadre and Punch play a split set in a tiny tiny living room. Punch did all covers including Minor Threat, Infest, Kid Dynamite and others. After that we left right before the cops came and went to the Holiday Inn for the lobby shows. Dan and Jordyn fucked me over and didnt get me in so I kicked in an emergency exit door and then took a dump in the out of order womans room before Bobby gave some british kid a picture of Young Jok at prom and drew a cow on the back and wrote "you moooooooove me" on the back as Capt merch. didnt see anyone play the lobby show, except some random dude did a hot water music cover and an alk3 cover. Apparently i had JUST missed Broadway Calls and Fake Problems, huge bummer. then we took a cab back to the hotel, drank a bunch of whiskey, walked to a Days Inn and saw a few acoustic songs from Attica! Attica! and PJ Bond, then we brought the show out into the parking lot and AA and PJ played some more and Jeff Riddle and SteveO played some songs too. Then we went to Steak and Shake where JR successfully got everyone in the restauraunt to chant "I SUCK MY DADS DICK". That was a pretty appropriate ending to that night. Hit the hay around 8 am. We were all woken up by room service at 10 being told if we were out by 11 we would be charged another night. So we woke up, packed up out shit and drove into town. Didnt go to the No Idea records bbq AGAIN cause the line was way to long. Took a few hours to catch up on life that morning. Got pizza and went to Tonys hotel room at the Holiday Inn and showered and napped then hit the town. Went straight to the Venue to see Fake Problems who played all of there earliest material (and only stuff i like) for the first time in awhile and for the last time ever, including songs that never made it to official releases. They also covered 'Wild Wild West' which was awesome. Wasn't planning on drinking that day but The Menzingers got me a backstage pass that included unlimited free beer, so obviously i drank, a lot. after Fake Problems i hung out at the Menzos merch table and sold some shit, then watched The Copyrights, who were fucking awesome. They played my favorite song, Planet Earth Nineteen Ninety Four, and i sorta lost my shit for a hot second. After that I watched Lemuria from the side stage. Recieved ALOT of half joking angry texts from friends in the crowd who saw me side stage and were mad at me. Whatever, totaly worth it in the end. After Lemuria The Menzingers played and it was absolutely nuts. They hit the first note of 'I Was Born' and the crowd errupted and it looked like KoRn at woodstock. I was actually a little afraid to stage dive at first, which sucked cause when I did stagedive I lost my shoe. I watched the rest of the set from sidestage, but during the last song SteveO jumped off a stack and then everyone went nuts, i jumped again, then they brought like the entire crowd onto the stage. It was crazy. After them we all left and went accross the street and saw Glocca Morra at sping cycle, but I ended up only watching one song then going outside at talking to Mark Bronz and Kate fom Cheeky about shows and making fun on the Ergs!. After that i rushed back over to the Venue to see Bomb The Music Industry! who were absolutely nuts. at one point they covered 'Why Bother' by Weezer and Mikey Erg sang, and then they played 'I Don't Love You Anymore' and Franz Nicolay played piano for it. It was absolutely nuts. After that I found Lauren and brought her back stage where some dude from Canada talked to me about how much pull in the drug world he has in Canada and then offered me blow. Then me and Lauren watched Municipal Waste from side stage and it was crazy. They threw everything on stage into the audience. After that we walked to the Holiday Inn, met up with Nick and PatO and took a cab back to the hotel. Lauren and I got a room by ourselves and went to bed without any more partying. Woke up at like 9 and started driving home. Traded Annie for Leo from Capt and made pretty great time getting home which ruled except for the cold weather. And well, that was fest 9. An absolutely amazing weekend and I can not fucking wait for fest 10 which is obviously going to be nuts.
Pat O said it best: "Fest is like Christmas except better because your shitty cousins arent there but beer is"
Dear Landlord - High Fives
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
catching up before fest.
saturday i worked for most of the day. the measure came by my job and i made them all free lunch. then they left for awhile. i worked a few more hours then went over to the show at dads haus (my last show for the fest seasons, and last show for awhile). got there first, then bands began showing up. i dont remember ALL of the night, but i do remember a lot of parts. i know the order was, paramedic (charlie solo (first and last time)), lavis blake, the measure [sa], glocca morra, kite party and the menzingers. i know charlie was pretty great solo, then lavis blake was really great. the measure were the last band i remember entirely, who were very awesome. new album rules very much. then i have zero real memory of glocca morra playing, other then jp blew out matts bass amp and he was sorta mad. then i have absolutely no memory of kite party at all, just the menzingers showing up and being really psyched that they were actually going to do it, and play a secret set at my show. then all i really remember is them playing a very packed show. i think it was like 5 songs, about. and all i really remember, only from the scab, is somehow i cut my forehead/eyebrow and bled everywhere. totally worth it. very good night. also, randomly, corey oneil, ben aneckstein and alex mctigue were all there, all very unexpectedly. after that show i was obviously way to drunk and rode my bike with a flat tire to laurens where i slept.
sunday i woke up late, went to oregon diner with lauren then we went to some random stores then went back to her house and napped until about 4, when i went home and watched the office with mary and scott why luther practiced. then met lauren at her house and rode to the fire for another awesome show. finally got to meet the guys in carpenter, who were all fucking awesome. everyone everywhere opened up the show, and they ruled, and they rule for getting me into the show for free. then carpenter played, and were awesome as well, high kicks included. then laura stevenson played, and i didn't watch her at all, i just sat at the bar with lauren arik and talked to pat o as he bar tended. then cheap girls played and i didn't watch them either. didnt drink much at the show, but after wards i rode home and ordered 5 pizzas and andy bought a bunch of beer and carpenter gave us a bunch of jargermeister and i drank that and rum and beer and ate pizza and we hung out all night long and had a great time.
the next day we all took showers and walked to cantina and got nachos and then those guys left and i took a nap and then drove up to the ox in laurens car to see another (my last pre fest show). holy mess opened it, i got there early and stood around forever and just hung out. holy mess were good, they were tight, nothing happened during there set, or anyones really, cause the ox is to fucking big and to far away. i hate that place. then night birds played and were great. such good dudes. mike hunchback gave me a free hunchback record, and joey erg 1.knew my name 2. hugged me 3. asked if I was going to the ergs! reunion show 4. complimented me on my new glasses (made the night worth it). then no friends played and me and rob went for a walk to get pizza. then dead to me played, were very tight, just weird with a new lineup. all in all a eh kinda night, was more just burned out then anything else. went home and did some things before going to manny browns to pick up lauren and go back to her house and go to bed.
tuesday i worked at cvs in the morning, got out and went home and napped cause i was begining to feel sorta sick and wanted so badly to not get sick before fest. eventually woke up, watched x files with andy, then went and got pizza and ate it at laurens. then we watched Taking Wookstock, which was pretty good. probably my favorite ang lee film. didn't sleep well.
today i worked truck (the bane of my existence). after work i got home and began to prepare to leave tomorrow. watched some parks and recreations with andy and amanda, but all in all had a pretty low key day. the next 4 days are going to be absolutely nuts. i am stealing pat o's idea of timed updates through twitter to remember when i get home what i did.
Mayflower - I Never...
the next day we all took showers and walked to cantina and got nachos and then those guys left and i took a nap and then drove up to the ox in laurens car to see another (my last pre fest show). holy mess opened it, i got there early and stood around forever and just hung out. holy mess were good, they were tight, nothing happened during there set, or anyones really, cause the ox is to fucking big and to far away. i hate that place. then night birds played and were great. such good dudes. mike hunchback gave me a free hunchback record, and joey erg 1.knew my name 2. hugged me 3. asked if I was going to the ergs! reunion show 4. complimented me on my new glasses (made the night worth it). then no friends played and me and rob went for a walk to get pizza. then dead to me played, were very tight, just weird with a new lineup. all in all a eh kinda night, was more just burned out then anything else. went home and did some things before going to manny browns to pick up lauren and go back to her house and go to bed.
tuesday i worked at cvs in the morning, got out and went home and napped cause i was begining to feel sorta sick and wanted so badly to not get sick before fest. eventually woke up, watched x files with andy, then went and got pizza and ate it at laurens. then we watched Taking Wookstock, which was pretty good. probably my favorite ang lee film. didn't sleep well.
today i worked truck (the bane of my existence). after work i got home and began to prepare to leave tomorrow. watched some parks and recreations with andy and amanda, but all in all had a pretty low key day. the next 4 days are going to be absolutely nuts. i am stealing pat o's idea of timed updates through twitter to remember when i get home what i did.
Mayflower - I Never...
Saturday, October 23, 2010
counting down the days
last saturday after work i rode straight to dads haus for the show i booked there. got there and a bunch of friends were there which was pretty cool. um, connor played first, thanked me for setting up the show way to many times. after him was seasons and parks, didn't watch to much of them, after them was communipaw, didn't watch to much of them either, they were all pretty big dick heads to me and in general. definitely not booking shows for strangers anymore. after then lavis blake played and were pretty good. wasn't to into being at a show in general, was still hungover from friday. after lb the eeries played and were suprisingly very good. i showed everyone else in lb my tattoo and they all were into it. after the show i just went home and had a pretty low key night. lauren came by later on and slept over.
sunday i woke up and went to the coffee shop and me and my boss loaded up her car with a ton of things and went to an art show in fishtown. we thought it was an adult art show, turned out to be a arts and craft show for children. we didn't fit in at all, and made almost no money. but at least there was free beer. after that we drove home and i rode over to laurens. we went to best buy and then got pizza hut for dinner and watched point break. after that i went over to dads haus again to hang out wiht miller and madden. got there right in time to see fleshtemple, who were fucking insane. didn't watch street pizza, just hung out upstairs during there set. watched don't wake up, who were suprisingly good, and then rode back to laurens, where i told her i was not going to sleep over, but passed out pretty quickly.
monday i worked at cvs, after work i showered and ate dinner and watched some of the state, then went over to the litterbox for a show i booked. tv dinner played first, didn't watch them, then break the habit from u.k. played, didn't watch them either, then spraynard played and were awesome, covered 2000 light years away by green day. everyone everywhere finished up the night and were also great. it was a good turnout, menzo dudes came, danielle, brian and kyle, pretty good group of friends came out. afterwards i went over to the menzos with kyle and hung out there until pretty late with tom greg joe collin danielle greg k mike k johnhenry and tony. eventually left and went to laurens house and slept there.
tuesday i had off from work for the first time in a very long time. i took laurens car to flemington and picked up a bunch of things i needed, like winter clothes, a nightstand (which i didn't technically get really), n64 games, and some other junk. saw my dad for a little bit and stopped by my moms job and ate lunch with her, and was back in philly pretty early. got home and watched the menzos record drums for there acoustic record. played some videos games, made dinner and picked lauren up from school. had an altercation between us and the neighbors that day, cops were involved, it all turned out very well. lauren came over kinda later that night and slept over.
wenesday i worked truck at cvs. after work i went home and took a nap, hung out with the menzos again while they recorded, and did a bunch of nothing really. lauren came over later on and i made her dinner and we watched Zack and Miri Make A Porno. then we went upstairs and watched some East Bound and Down, tried 3 times now and still havent finished the first episode, only because we keep falling asleep, the show rules.
thursday i had off again. i did some shit around the house in the morning after lauren left. when andy got up we went to old navy and bought pizza costumes and then got cheese hoagies and hung out and watched News Radio and Greg The Bunny. then we began watching A Serious Man, a Coen brothers film i never saw, andy left before it was over for class, and i finished it without him. wasn't so great. afterwards i took a nap and then went over to crystals and hung out with hollis and bernie for a little bit, then came home and was tricked pretty hard by nick into thinking everyone was bailing on me, but then found out andy bought everyone 40s and we were gonna hang, so we drank and did nothing else, began watching the Sixth Sense but andy and dan fell asleep and i decided to go over to laurens house for the night.
friday i worked again, and after work i went home and showered and made some dinner and bought a 24 pack of natty bo with andy and watched the new office. then i got ready for my show, and the first in a very long weekend of shows leading up to fest. rode over to dads haus with andy nick and lauren, stopped on the way cause we ran into pj bond. got there and only like half of great explainer was there and pacer. eventually everyone showed up.the drug war played first, i didn't really watch there set cause i was watching the door and making people pay. static radio nj played second, and i watched them and they were pretty great. played every song lauren knew, so that made me happy. after them the arteries from whales played and were very excellent, everyone liked them. pacer followed them and after that great explainer rounded out the night. i didn't watch much of the other bands but the show was all in all a pretty good success and everyone seemed to have a lot of fun. i then did an interview for chunksaah records, cause they're shooting a documentary about going to fest. after the show and after everything was wrapped up and done i went home, got more beer and got my pizza costume and went over to the halloween party at augustas. was very proud that me and andy both completely copied danielles halloween costume exactly, except i wasn't wearing a shirt under my pizza. had a lot of fun there. was very drunk. still not feeling all to swell almost a day later. but there were a lot of people there, and it was all in all a very good time. after the party me and lauren went to dunkin donuts (very bad idea) and then back to her house and went to bed. woke up feeling pretty crappy today, but we pulled through.
the rest of this weekend, including tonight until like monday is going to be nuts. i can not wait. i can not wait for fest. i'm pretty stoked on life right now.
Carpenter - Mean Things
sunday i woke up and went to the coffee shop and me and my boss loaded up her car with a ton of things and went to an art show in fishtown. we thought it was an adult art show, turned out to be a arts and craft show for children. we didn't fit in at all, and made almost no money. but at least there was free beer. after that we drove home and i rode over to laurens. we went to best buy and then got pizza hut for dinner and watched point break. after that i went over to dads haus again to hang out wiht miller and madden. got there right in time to see fleshtemple, who were fucking insane. didn't watch street pizza, just hung out upstairs during there set. watched don't wake up, who were suprisingly good, and then rode back to laurens, where i told her i was not going to sleep over, but passed out pretty quickly.
monday i worked at cvs, after work i showered and ate dinner and watched some of the state, then went over to the litterbox for a show i booked. tv dinner played first, didn't watch them, then break the habit from u.k. played, didn't watch them either, then spraynard played and were awesome, covered 2000 light years away by green day. everyone everywhere finished up the night and were also great. it was a good turnout, menzo dudes came, danielle, brian and kyle, pretty good group of friends came out. afterwards i went over to the menzos with kyle and hung out there until pretty late with tom greg joe collin danielle greg k mike k johnhenry and tony. eventually left and went to laurens house and slept there.
tuesday i had off from work for the first time in a very long time. i took laurens car to flemington and picked up a bunch of things i needed, like winter clothes, a nightstand (which i didn't technically get really), n64 games, and some other junk. saw my dad for a little bit and stopped by my moms job and ate lunch with her, and was back in philly pretty early. got home and watched the menzos record drums for there acoustic record. played some videos games, made dinner and picked lauren up from school. had an altercation between us and the neighbors that day, cops were involved, it all turned out very well. lauren came over kinda later that night and slept over.
wenesday i worked truck at cvs. after work i went home and took a nap, hung out with the menzos again while they recorded, and did a bunch of nothing really. lauren came over later on and i made her dinner and we watched Zack and Miri Make A Porno. then we went upstairs and watched some East Bound and Down, tried 3 times now and still havent finished the first episode, only because we keep falling asleep, the show rules.
thursday i had off again. i did some shit around the house in the morning after lauren left. when andy got up we went to old navy and bought pizza costumes and then got cheese hoagies and hung out and watched News Radio and Greg The Bunny. then we began watching A Serious Man, a Coen brothers film i never saw, andy left before it was over for class, and i finished it without him. wasn't so great. afterwards i took a nap and then went over to crystals and hung out with hollis and bernie for a little bit, then came home and was tricked pretty hard by nick into thinking everyone was bailing on me, but then found out andy bought everyone 40s and we were gonna hang, so we drank and did nothing else, began watching the Sixth Sense but andy and dan fell asleep and i decided to go over to laurens house for the night.
friday i worked again, and after work i went home and showered and made some dinner and bought a 24 pack of natty bo with andy and watched the new office. then i got ready for my show, and the first in a very long weekend of shows leading up to fest. rode over to dads haus with andy nick and lauren, stopped on the way cause we ran into pj bond. got there and only like half of great explainer was there and pacer. eventually everyone showed up.the drug war played first, i didn't really watch there set cause i was watching the door and making people pay. static radio nj played second, and i watched them and they were pretty great. played every song lauren knew, so that made me happy. after them the arteries from whales played and were very excellent, everyone liked them. pacer followed them and after that great explainer rounded out the night. i didn't watch much of the other bands but the show was all in all a pretty good success and everyone seemed to have a lot of fun. i then did an interview for chunksaah records, cause they're shooting a documentary about going to fest. after the show and after everything was wrapped up and done i went home, got more beer and got my pizza costume and went over to the halloween party at augustas. was very proud that me and andy both completely copied danielles halloween costume exactly, except i wasn't wearing a shirt under my pizza. had a lot of fun there. was very drunk. still not feeling all to swell almost a day later. but there were a lot of people there, and it was all in all a very good time. after the party me and lauren went to dunkin donuts (very bad idea) and then back to her house and went to bed. woke up feeling pretty crappy today, but we pulled through.
the rest of this weekend, including tonight until like monday is going to be nuts. i can not wait. i can not wait for fest. i'm pretty stoked on life right now.
Carpenter - Mean Things
Saturday, October 16, 2010
i age but don't get old
okay so last sunday i closed the coffee shop. jesse visited me. afterwards i went home for a little bit, then rode over to laurnes house and played with the new kitten dan found. then me and dan rode over to south philly tap room for steve o's birthday. saw steve o, rayna, tom, mike schwartz, augusta and leo. was only there for a few minutes. then went back to laurens and went to bed.
monday i worked (i worked every single day this week) after work i went home and played Golden Eye with dan for awhile and drank whiskey and went to bed pretty early. watched the original Inglourios Bastards before bed, and lauren came over.
tuesday i worked, and after work i tried to have a somewhat productive day, dropped off my frames to get my new glasses rolling, got the second swamp thing and book 5 of sin city from barnes and noble, visited zack at urban, and did some food shopping. after that i made some dinner for myself and then watched In The Army Now with andy and lauren. after that went to laurens house for the night.
wenesday i worked and after work i began watching Parks and Recreations. then went out to dinner with brian at royal tavern. he told me he liked the tempeh club they have there. he also liked my lavis blake tattoo. after that i went home and showered and then greg k met me at my house and we went over to the menzos house and drank a bunch of beer and fourloko and scotch. had sorta a crazy night. i went to laurens house after that and slept there that night.
thursday i worked and after work i rode home in the rain and it sucked a lot. ate pizza and watched south park with andy then went over to the acoustic show. got there while madaline was playing. she was okay. she's just like a notch below laua stevenson or hop along in my opinion. then kite party played acoustic, didn't dig it at first but grew on me. then three man cannon played acoustic and it was alright, but they unfortunately totally blew a mountain goats cover of no children. total bummer. then some weird band played. then tom may played, did a dead kennedys cover, i messed him up by switching the order of the lyric sheets he printed out for that song (*note, by this point of the show everyone was very drunk, but it was only like 9). the rest of his songs were great, did some old acoustic menzos songs no one hears anymore. then greg barnett played, was also very good, played a bunch of really great new songs and then played my friend chris and i was born (also decided it was okay to laugh during the "i didn't do it" part of my friend chris and to sing the end of my friend chris over him during the end of i was born (im an asshole)). after that we hung out for awhile, there were tons of people there, lots of friends, lots of great food, ate pasta and cupcakes and brownies. it was a very cozy show. could of been something great if it wasn't ruined with the 48 natty bo's me and tom bought. after the show i went home to my house with lauren and went to sleep. friday i worked a longer shift, but after work i picked up my new glasses! then went home, showered and went to see JACKASS 3D with lauren!!!!!!!!!! and it was fucking amazing.
i can't even begin to discuss how great it was. but i haven't laughed so hard in a very long time. after the show me and lauren went to her house to drink some rum and cokes. bryce mary and dan were there and brian walked over and met us there. then he borrowed my bike, i rode dans old bike and we went to my house and then to the show at the dollhouse (there would be a flyer for it here, but it was just so bad i refuse to post it). missed Kids and Cop Problem. then didn't watch the next band. watched one win choice. heckled them the entire time to cover New Noise, they did and i basically just took the mic from the singer and crowd surfed the entire time and sang all of the words. it was pretty fucking amazing. i was very happy that brian was there for that cover. everyone lost there shit. i want to sing for a band so badly, and doing that only sealed it in my head for me. then glocca morra played, and everyone was very stoked and they played one song and the cops came. everyone left after that and i went home for a hot second and then went to the after party and zack/jp/tims new place. lots of people were at that, had a lot of fun, smashed my head into a lightbulb in the ceiling, didnt hurt but i bled. eventually passed out on the couch, had a weird experience with JP's girlfriend, threw up in the alley and went home with lauren. discovered i cut my hand badly too as i entered my house. don't know where that came from, oh well. went to bed.
today we woke up and rode to laurens house and she made me breakfast, brian brought my bike back and then went home. i then took a shower and went to work, and here i am. fest is coming up soon, gotta save more money. the next few weeks are going to be crazy.
Iron Chic - Cutesy Monster Man
monday i worked (i worked every single day this week) after work i went home and played Golden Eye with dan for awhile and drank whiskey and went to bed pretty early. watched the original Inglourios Bastards before bed, and lauren came over.
tuesday i worked, and after work i tried to have a somewhat productive day, dropped off my frames to get my new glasses rolling, got the second swamp thing and book 5 of sin city from barnes and noble, visited zack at urban, and did some food shopping. after that i made some dinner for myself and then watched In The Army Now with andy and lauren. after that went to laurens house for the night.
wenesday i worked and after work i began watching Parks and Recreations. then went out to dinner with brian at royal tavern. he told me he liked the tempeh club they have there. he also liked my lavis blake tattoo. after that i went home and showered and then greg k met me at my house and we went over to the menzos house and drank a bunch of beer and fourloko and scotch. had sorta a crazy night. i went to laurens house after that and slept there that night.
i can't even begin to discuss how great it was. but i haven't laughed so hard in a very long time. after the show me and lauren went to her house to drink some rum and cokes. bryce mary and dan were there and brian walked over and met us there. then he borrowed my bike, i rode dans old bike and we went to my house and then to the show at the dollhouse (there would be a flyer for it here, but it was just so bad i refuse to post it). missed Kids and Cop Problem. then didn't watch the next band. watched one win choice. heckled them the entire time to cover New Noise, they did and i basically just took the mic from the singer and crowd surfed the entire time and sang all of the words. it was pretty fucking amazing. i was very happy that brian was there for that cover. everyone lost there shit. i want to sing for a band so badly, and doing that only sealed it in my head for me. then glocca morra played, and everyone was very stoked and they played one song and the cops came. everyone left after that and i went home for a hot second and then went to the after party and zack/jp/tims new place. lots of people were at that, had a lot of fun, smashed my head into a lightbulb in the ceiling, didnt hurt but i bled. eventually passed out on the couch, had a weird experience with JP's girlfriend, threw up in the alley and went home with lauren. discovered i cut my hand badly too as i entered my house. don't know where that came from, oh well. went to bed.
today we woke up and rode to laurens house and she made me breakfast, brian brought my bike back and then went home. i then took a shower and went to work, and here i am. fest is coming up soon, gotta save more money. the next few weeks are going to be crazy.
Iron Chic - Cutesy Monster Man
Saturday, October 9, 2010
another stupid update
last saturday night Marc came and visited. he come to my job at the coffee shop and Lauren met us as well. we went back to my house after work and got some pizza and watched some power puff girls and the movie Everything Is Terrible. eventually me and marc went to the dolphin and saw a stripper with a cane. after that i went home and went to bed.
sunday i worked at the coffee shop again. after work my mom came into the city and she saw the house and then took me and lauren out to lunch at a nice itailian restaurant. after wards she went home and me and lauren watched the office all night long at my house with mary. eventually me and lauren went to her house and went to bed.
monday i worked at cvs and got out somewhat early. after work i made dinner and hung out with andy and nick and watched a lot more office. aound midnight i went to the menzingers house and got to see tom joe and greg, and hung out with danielle, dj, zack and leo. lauren met me there too. eveuntally left and went home with lauren.
tuesday i had off from work. woke up and got some stuff done, then went and got cheese hoagies with greg and hung out at his house with him and eric and collin, and eventually tony. went home later on and sat around the house and watched some more of the office. andy came home and hung out for a bit, then the menzingers were doing some stupid videocast thing, so me and andy tuned in, and as there were lots of other people trying to get in who had real actual questions for them, we keep getting in and were saying nothing important, then eventually we preteneded to still be there and got on our bikes and rode to there house, ya know what, just watch it The Menzingers on Yowie after that i went to Laurens and slept there.
wenedsay i worked again and blah blah blah. after work i went home and watched more office, then met briand at black bird pizza for some dinner. after that i went to the litterbox for a show. all pretty good bands, got to see ltos of people, overall pretty good night. went back to my house with lauren and watched some MORE office, but fell asleep while watching.
worked thursday again, after work i met lauren at royal tavern for lunch, after that we went back to her house and took a nap. after that i went home and watched Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back and then some more office. Andy eventually came home and we went over to Gregs and drank some beers and watched some of the new its always sunny and then the 100 most shocking moments in rock and roll. pretty 'eventfull' night. rode home and went to bed.
friday i worked AGAIN, worked way to much this week. after i got out of work at 2 i went home and relaxed. didn't really do to much all in all. watched some more office and sat around. eventually went over to josh and megans house for joshs suprise birthday party. was a lot of fun, got real drunk, played with puppies, had an all around good time.
saturday i worked a double. opened at cvs and trained some new kids there until about one, went home and showered and then closed at the coffee shop. will mcandrew came down and visited me at work. and then zack schwarz and jp came and visited too. after work i went to siri's tattoo shop and me and josh got tattooed and then went to manny browns then went and checked out zack and jp's new house, which is fucking awesome, and then after that went home and fell asleep for a little bit then went over to laurens house.
today so far i went for a walk with lauren, then went home and watched some office and 30 rock with andy and nick and then came to work at the coffee shop, lauren visited me at work and now i'm about to close. i think some heavy drinking is on board for tonight.
The Soviettes - Blue Stars
sunday i worked at the coffee shop again. after work my mom came into the city and she saw the house and then took me and lauren out to lunch at a nice itailian restaurant. after wards she went home and me and lauren watched the office all night long at my house with mary. eventually me and lauren went to her house and went to bed.
monday i worked at cvs and got out somewhat early. after work i made dinner and hung out with andy and nick and watched a lot more office. aound midnight i went to the menzingers house and got to see tom joe and greg, and hung out with danielle, dj, zack and leo. lauren met me there too. eveuntally left and went home with lauren.
tuesday i had off from work. woke up and got some stuff done, then went and got cheese hoagies with greg and hung out at his house with him and eric and collin, and eventually tony. went home later on and sat around the house and watched some more of the office. andy came home and hung out for a bit, then the menzingers were doing some stupid videocast thing, so me and andy tuned in, and as there were lots of other people trying to get in who had real actual questions for them, we keep getting in and were saying nothing important, then eventually we preteneded to still be there and got on our bikes and rode to there house, ya know what, just watch it The Menzingers on Yowie after that i went to Laurens and slept there.
worked thursday again, after work i met lauren at royal tavern for lunch, after that we went back to her house and took a nap. after that i went home and watched Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back and then some more office. Andy eventually came home and we went over to Gregs and drank some beers and watched some of the new its always sunny and then the 100 most shocking moments in rock and roll. pretty 'eventfull' night. rode home and went to bed.
friday i worked AGAIN, worked way to much this week. after i got out of work at 2 i went home and relaxed. didn't really do to much all in all. watched some more office and sat around. eventually went over to josh and megans house for joshs suprise birthday party. was a lot of fun, got real drunk, played with puppies, had an all around good time.

today so far i went for a walk with lauren, then went home and watched some office and 30 rock with andy and nick and then came to work at the coffee shop, lauren visited me at work and now i'm about to close. i think some heavy drinking is on board for tonight.
The Soviettes - Blue Stars
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
i never (09)
made a best of 09 list. so here it is,
1. Cheeky - What The Heck
3. Pissed Jeans - King Of Jeans
4. House Boat - Delaware Octopus
5. Jeff The Brotherhood - Heavy Days
6. GDP - Realistic Expectations
7. Kudrow - Lando
8. Black Kites - Advancement To Ruins
10. Teenage Cool Kids - Foreign Lands
the layout of this post is retarded, but i give up.
Foo Fighters - Big Me
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